2004, Don Cheadle, Sophie Okonedo, Nick Nolte and Joaquin Phoenix, PG-13Main Point: When all seems lost and we...
Matrix, The (Choices)
Main Point: People must choose God’s truth which is sometimes hidden by the pleasures or pains of daily...
Season 9, Episode 5, What Comes After
By Thom McKeeWe’ve all heard the phrase, ‘Blood is thicker than water,’ as a reference to family and its...
Curious Case of Benjamin Button, The
(Paramount, 2008)Main Point: Though it might not look like it at times, and we might not understand it at...
Risen – Why Do You Follow Him?
(Sony Pictures, 2016)Main Point: There are many reasons why people choose to follow Jesus, but all of them begin...
Mean Girls
(Paramount, 2004)Main Point of Discussion: If we only look for beauty on the outside, we will be disappointed.The Movie...
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
(Universal Studios Inc., 2000)Main Point of Discussion: We need to be rebels, loving those who are difficult to love.The...
The Walking Dead Season 9 episode 3: Warning Signs
This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan Crittenden.Eight years...
Season 10, Episode 12, Walk With Us
By Thom McKeeThere is an old saying that says you have to be very careful when you come across...
Martian Child
(New Line Cinema, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: God loves His children unconditionally, meaning nothing we can do will make...
Adjustment Bureau, The
(Universal, 2011)Main Point: In life, we have the option of being fake or authentic. Even if we choose to...
Shawshank Redemption, The
The Shawshank Redemption, R, 1994, Warner Bros. Main Point: We must have the proper perspective in difficult times, so...
Happening, The
20th Century Fox HomeMain Point of Discussion: The invisible God of the Bible has left visible clues pointing to...
The Gospel According to the Walking Dead – Season 4, Episode 8
It was the final episode of the fall and the final show for some key characters—probably one of the...
(Dreamworks, 2010)Main Point: No matter how terrible our circumstances are – or how terrible we’ve been treated – we...
Hacksaw Ridge
(Summit, 2016)Main Point: Rescuing others usually involves risk. But since Jesus risked and sacrificed so much rescuing us, we...
Minority Report
Main Point: Even when we are in situations that seem difficult, we must understand that God is at work....
Season 1, Episode 6—TS-19
The Walking Dead Season One ended up with a bang (literally), as the survivors find temporary refuge in none...
Marine, The
(WWE Films/20th Century Fox, 2006)Main Point of Discussion: If we don’t manage our anger, it can lead to a...
Introduction: Think of a time when someone did something terrible to you—something wrong and unfair, an action that...
Season Six, Episode Eleven, Knots Untie
by Thom McKee Jr.If you are a Christian and you are reading this column, chance are you have been...
The Gospel According to the Walking Dead – Season 4, Episode 1
The last few months the world waited in anticipation for October 13th, not cheap jerseys to see if the...
Season 2, Episode 8—Nebraska
I really hate it when I think I’m right and I end up being wrong- although it happens more...
Season Seven, Episode Five, Go Getters
by Thom McKee Jr.It is hard to believe that cowards can still be leaders at this point in the...
Lone Survivor
(Universal Pictures)Main Point: Never Out of the FightOur lives, like soldiers caught in war, are full of trials...
Shaolin Soccer
Movie Clip: Shaolin Soccer, PG-13, Miramax FilmsMain Point: True love is sacrificial.Attention Grabber: Movie – Shaolin SoccerShaolin Soccer is...
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius
(Film Foundry Releasing, LLC 2004)Main Point of Discussion: Being a person of integrity means doing what is right...
The Season Six Finale Quick Thoughts
online pharmacy buy desyrel without prescription with best prices today in the USA Just a quick little post as...
God Grew Tired of Us
(Lost Boys of Sudan, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: Christmas is truly about the birth of Christ, but can others...
buy cozaar online cozaar no prescription (Dreamworks, 1997) Main Point: Is the life of Jesus just a good story,...
Contact – faith
(Warner Brothers, 1997)Main Point of Discussion: We must keep our faith strong, even when the people around us may...
Schindler's List (guilt/regret/forgiveness)
(Universal Studios, 1993)Main Point of Discussion: God can help us move past our regret and guiltThe Movie Clip:...
Season Seven, Episode Nine, Rock in the Road
by Thom McKeeEver since 1990, I have been a huge football fan. Not American football (though I did watch...
Here Comes the Boom (Overcoming Struggles)
(Sony, 2012)Main Point: If we want to prevail in life, we must get up every time we are knocked...
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
(New Line, 2002)Main Point: In the tough times in life, we must remember that if we have Jesus, we...
(DreamWorks Pictures / Paramount Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: Following Christ is a life-altering decision, which sometimes requires us...
Blades of Glory
(DreamWorks Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: We must identify and get rid of the idols in our lives. ...
Jerry Maguire
Rated R, 1997, TriStarMain Point: We must follow Christ, even when we're the only ones.Attention Grabber: Movie – Jerry...
Season Seven, Episode Thirteen, Bury Me Here
by Thom McKeeHave you ever made a decision that was hard to live with? I mean the type of...
Season 2, Episode 1—What Lies Ahead
The Walking Dead Season Two opener wastes no time in amping up the excitement level as the survivors get...
Bucket List, The
Main Point of Discussion: When we face death, it forces us to make a decision about faith in JesusThe...
Season Eight, Episode Three, Monsters
by Thom McKeeJust this last summer, my 11 year old son asked me if there were rules to war....
Main Point: We must always remember that we are in a spiritual battle, and that no matter where or...
Bruce Almighty (I’m God)
(Universal Pictures, 2003) online pharmacy norvasc for sale with best prices today in the USA Main Point: God reveals...
Season 9 Episode 7, Stradivarius
By Thom McKeeWhy do humans spend time creating art and then sharing it with each other? There is no...
Coach Carter – Progress
(Paramount Pictures, 2004)Main Point of Discussion: We are liberated from our fears when we shine our light for God.The...
Spiderman II -Justifying Bad Choices
Main Point: Justifying Bad ChoicesAttention Grabber: Movie - Spider-Man 2, PG-13, Columbia / Tristar, 2004Peter Parker is troubled with...
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
Main Point: When we find ourselves in desperate situations, we can always trust God’s plan…no matter how strange it...
Season 3, Episode 8, Made to Suffer
Most of us would probably have trouble sympathizing for The Governor (especially after what he did to Maggie). Personally,...
Chronicles of Narnia, The
The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe(Disney, 2005)Main Point of Discussion: The death of Jesus was gruesome and terrible,...
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (friendship)
Main Point: Friendships Are Not For the Faint HeartedBefore the Meeting: Draw a large outline of...
Season 10, Episode 6, Bonds
By Thom McKeeHow long does it take to begin to trust people after you have been betrayed? Is it...
Season 6, Episode 2, J.S.S.
by Thom McKee Jr.Nothing really prepares you for experiencing loss, like actually experiencing loss.Perhaps that's why the Alexandrians were...
Season 1, Episode 3—Tell it to the Frogs
How much are you willing to sacrifice... for your enemies?This week, we see exactly how far Rick Grimes was...
Wide Awake
(Mirimax Films, 1998)Main Point of Discussion: We must learn to show love to people… even the ones we don't...
Butterfly Circus, The
(Doorpost Film Project, 2009)Main Point: Every life can be redeemed by God and filled with purpose. Video Clip: The...
(Paramount, 2011)Main Point: The result of our sin is that we are cast from the presence of our Heavenly...
Smallville, Season Three, Episode 10 – Whisper
TV-PG, 2006, Warner BrosMain Point: We must intentionally get rid of or at least see past our distractions and...
Season Seven, Episode Ten, New Best Friends
by Thom McKeeIs there such a thing as a righteous lie? My guess is that you probably have a...
Remember the Titans (C)
PG 2000 (Denzel Washington)Plot Summary: The true story of a newly appointed African-American coach and his high school...
Season 5, Episode 10, Them
You know they’ve hit a low point when Daryl cries.This week’s episode was about suffering. Physical suffering—they’re hungry, thirsty,...
Karate Kid, The (1984)
(Columbia Pictures, 1984)Main Point: We should obey God even when we don’t understand Him because He has always been...
Blind Side, The
(Warner Brothers, 2009)Main Point of Discussion: It’s one thing to know you need to change your life’s direction; it’s...
Legend of Bagger Vance, The
Main Point: It’s been said that “life is meaningless.” Sadly, that’s true…but only if our focus is on the...
Patch Adams
(Universal Pictures, 1998)Main Point of Discussion: It’s OK to bring our frustrations to God, but as Christians we need...
Dark Knight, The
Batman Has No Limits(Warner Brothers, 2008) Main Point of Discussion: We may be successful, popular, or the best at...
Season Seven, Episode Fourteen, The Other Side
by Thom McKeeYears ago, a friend of mine who was a recovering alcoholic told me that addiction was like...
Freaky Friday
Main Point: We must be extra careful to make wise decisions when we are around the opposite sex.Attention Grabber:...
One, The
Movie Clip: The One, PG-13, 2001, Revolution StudiosMain Point: There is a war inside us between the Spirit and...
Gridiron Gang, The (FRIENDSHIP)
Main Point: You’re only as good as the people you associate with.Attention Grabber: Movie – The Gridiron Gang...
Season 10, Episode 1, Lines We Cross
By Thom McKeeHave you ever felt like your life just no longer has purpose or meaning?Maybe you have a...
Remember the Titans – Attitude Like Jesus
Main Point of Discussion: Our attitudes greatly affect our behavior so make sure your attitude is like Jesus’. The...
Walk to Remember, A (Who We Hang Around)
Main Point: We shouldn’t desire the company of wicked people; it only causes pain to us and others.The Movie...
Season 5, Episode 9, What Happened and What’s Going On
It’s the second biggest episode of the year—the midseason premiere—and it started (SPOILER ALERT) with us losing yet another...
Season 3, Episode 9, The Suicide King
Blood is thicker than water… so they say.That is the tension in this episode. Family, or values—which is it?...
To End All Wars
20th Century Fox, 2004Main Point of Discussion: We must show compassion to everyone, even to those who mistreat us.The...
Season 5, Episode 13, Forget
It’s the second week of this radical transition from Dawn of the Dead to Mayberry, and it’s interesting to...
Star Trek (2009)
Main Point of Discussion: Jesus Christ made the ultimate sacrifice by giving His life on the Cross, and out...
Superman Returns
Movie Clip: Superman Returns, PG-13, 2006, Warner Bros.Main Point: Whether knowing it or not, we all need Christ as...
Season 1, Episode 2—Guts
Things are definitely heating up in and around Atlanta in the second episode of The Walking Dead, titled ‘Guts’-...
Tears of the Sun
TOPIC: When life stinks, Existence of God, SufferingFILM: Tears of The Sun“Tears of The Sun” is a powerful...
Over the Hedge
(Dreamworks, 2006)Main Point of Discussion: It’s easy to get in trouble when we get greedy.The Movie Clip: “Just take...
Columbia Pictures, 2009Main Point of Discussion: Even though 2012 is a talked-about date as a potential end of the...
Season 5, Episode 14, Spend
The community of Alexandria might be an incredible asset, but the people who live there are a liability.Maybe it’s...
Kid, The (B)
Main Point: Self-image; cynicism; growing up.The tagline for this movie is: Nobody ever grows up quite like they...
24 – Season One, Episode One (TV Series)
(Not rated, 2001, 20th Century Fox)Main Point: We must be wary of the small sins in our lives, because...
Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King (worry)
Directed by Peter JacksonStarring Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, Sean Aston . . .“The Return of...
Wreck-it Ralph
Main Point: Even if we’ve always been sinners, we don’t have to remain in our sin any longer. Jesus...
Sixth Sense, The
(Barry Mendel Productions 1999)Main Point of Discussion: As Christians we see ‘dead’ people all the time, so the question...
Season 2, Episode 7—Pretty Much Dead Already
What does it mean to be ‘human’?That’s a question that philosophers and theologians have struggled with for centuries, and...
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, The
Rated PG, 2005, Warner Bros.Main Point: We need to know that God is the One who has given us...
Deep Impact
(Paramount Pictures, 1998)Main Point: Self sacrifice is obviously difficult, but it is one of the primary ways we show...
Season 2, Episode 11—Judge, Jury, and Executioner
Have you ever seen the movie 12 Angry Men? It’s a classic film from the 50’s that has basically...
How The Grinch Stole Christmas (going good)
Main Point of Discussion: When people’s hearts are changed by the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ, we must...
Season Three, Episode Sixteen, Welcome to the Tombs
by Thom McKee Jr. online pharmacy buy super-kamagra no prescription with best prices today in the USA online...
Season 2, Episode 4 —Cherokee Trail
Did you see God’s hand in that situation… or does God just have a strange sense of humor?It’s amazing...
Season Eight, Episode Five, The Big Scary U
by Thom McKeeDoes how you die really matter?How about how you live?Let's face it, death is a horrible thing...
Vertical Limit
(Colombia Pictures, 2000)Main Point: The sacrifice of our Heavenly Father ensures that His children have life.The Movie Clip: “Cut...
Season 10, Episode 5, What It Always Is
By Thom McKeeEvery parent has that moment when they have to explain to their children where they came from....
Season 5, Episode 8, Coda
It only took about 75 seconds into this week’s episode for us to realize exactly how far Rick was...
Season 3, Episode 5, Say the Word
NOTE: Did you notice that AMC is showing complete seasons of The Walking Dead on the next 5 Sundays...
(Paramount, 2014)Main Point: The only way to withstand the Enemy’s attack is to stand together. We do that by...
13 Going On 30
(2004, PG, Jennifer Garner)Main Point: Living life with no regrets.Supplies needed: Pens and paper with pre-typed questions...
Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The
Main Point of Discussion: Even though it is sometimes convenient to deny Jesus, there is always a price to...
Season 3, Episode 1, Seed
If you’re like me, your level of anticipation approaching this premier episode of Season 3 must have been overwhelming....
When the Game Stands Tall
(Tristar, 2014)Main Point: It’s easy to doubt God and His goodness when we are suffering. But during those times,...
Les Misérables
(Columbia Pictures, 1998)Main Point: Even though forgiving and loving an enemy is extremely difficult, it’s commanded by Christ.The Video...
Saving Private Ryan
(Dreamworks, 1998)Main Point of Discussion: We must live our lives in accordance with the sacrifice made for us.The...
While looking forward to Season 7
Well... it's summertime and The Walking Dead is waaaaaaaaaaay too far off to even begin anticipating Season 7. The...
Spy Kids 3 D – Game Over
Main Point: Forgiveness—the escape from the torture chamber of bitterness.Supplies Needed: Pens, hand-out (see wrap-up), and a reflective...
Help, The
(Dreamworks, 2011)Main Point: As Christians, God expects us to be generous and helpful to everyone, regardless of status, race,...
Legend of Bagger Vance, The (BURDENS)
The Legend of Bagger Vance (Putting Down Our Burdens)Main Point: In life, we all have burdens, and we may...
Evan Almighty – Prayer
(Universal Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: When we pray, God’s answer might require action on our part.The Movie Clip:...
Main Point of Discussion: In desperate times, people are willing to put their belief in just about anything. But...
Season 5, Episode 11, The Distance
How should you treat others when you’ve been hurt over and over again?That was the debate this week, so...
Hotel Rwanda (Actions)
PG-13, 2004, Lion’s Gate FilmsMain Point: online pharmacy kamagra-polo buy with best prices today in the USA Our...
Hidalgo (temptation)
online pharmacy buy valtrex no insurance with best prices today in the USA Main Point: No matter how good...
Season 3, Episode 4, The Killer Within
This episode, deemed as a favorite for many fans, had its share of joy and sorrow. Hershel emerged for...
Walk To Remember, A
PG, 2002 (Shane West, Mandy Moore)Main Point: While God instructs us to look toward the needs of others,...
Season Seven, Episode Three, The Cell
by Thom McKeeHave you ever been in a situation where you felt that there was no hope? Maybe you...
Les Misérables (Christ’s Authority)
(Sony Pictures, 1998) online pharmacy purchase antabuse without prescription with best prices today in the USA Main Point: Jesus’...
Lord of the Rings-Fellowship (character)
(New Line Cinema, 2001)Main Point of Discussion: Character isn’t about outward qualities, but inward qualities.The Movie Clip: "If you...
Season 5 Premiere Contest
WINNERS POSTED BELOW!The Walking Dead return's this Sunday night with the Season 5 Premiere. That gives us a good...
Season Six, Episode Sixteen, Last Day On Earth
by Thom McKee Jr.Have you ever trusted someone so much that you could say that you trust them with...
The Gospel According to The Walking Dead—Season 4, Episode 9
Got a teenager in your house? Then you probably recognized the extremely emotional, highly irrational, and characteristically overconfident teenager...
Unbroken (Is There A Plan)
(Universal Pictures, 2014)Main Point: God has a unique and perfect plan for every single one of our lives. However,...
Uncle Buck
(Universal, 1989)Main Point: When picking someone to date, it’s easy to choose a person who’s a bad influence. The...
Season 3, Episode 6, Hounded
What is the meaning of life?What is your purpose?It’s the age-old question, a question that sometimes manifests itself in...
Season Six, Episode Ten, The Next World?
Deanna’s dying words to Michonne were, “What do you want?”Who would have guessed the answer to that question was…...
Princess Bride, The
(MGM, 1987)Main Point of Discussion: We have to remain faithful to Jesus because He has given us His promise....
Season 10, Episode 4, Silence the Whisperers
By Thom McKeeHave you ever tried to forget about your past? Usually, you don't want to be reminded of...
Coach Carter
(Paramount Pictures, 2004)Main Point: God has knit us together in such a way that when one of us suffers,...
Season Six, Episode Four, Here’s Not Here
by Thom McKee Jr.What is your code?Mercy?Defend your family by all means necessary?Survival of the fittest?Morgan’s powerful “testimony” forces...
Who is it CONTEST
WINNERS POSTED AT BOTTOM OF POST!The Walking Dead Season Premiere is less than a week away, and that means...
Season Eight, Episode Nine, Honor
by Thom McKeeWho are the walking dead? Is it just the walkers? The title seems simple enough, but I...
Season Eight, Episode Six, The King, The Widow and Rick
by Thom McKeeJust the other day, my almost 12-year-old son announced to me that he and his friends were...
(Paramount 1997)Main Point of Discussion: Sharing our faith is a task that simply cannot wait!The Movie Clip:The movie Titanic...
Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King (Sin)
Raterd PG-13, 2003, New Line CinemaMain Point: We must have accountability and must continue to get rid of the...
Season 10, Episode 8, The World Before
By Thom McKeeThere is an old philosophical question that most college freshman run into in their intro philosophy classes. ...
Horton Hears a Who!
Main Point of Discussion: We are called to be faithful 100%.The Movie Clip: “I meant what I said, and...
The Gospel According to The Walking Dead—Season 4, Episode 10
Yes, I’m a huge fan of this show, and the writing is usually way above par—one of the more...
Gridiron Gang, The (CHANGE)
(Columbia Pictures, 2006) buy zyprexa online https://wellspringpsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/wpcode/cache/library/zyprexa.html Main Point of Discussion: Our faith in God starts a change...
Season 9, Episode 10, Omega
By Thom McKeeYears ago I ran into a guy who wrote The Walking Dead fan fiction. I was in mid-town...
Season Six, Episode Twelve, Not Tomorrow Yet
by Thom McKee Jr.Is it ever justified to kill someone?What if it is in self-defense? What if the people...
Nacho Libre
(Paramount Pictures, 2006)Main Point of Discussion: We need to love them, so we can tell them that He...
Changing Lanes
This is a short clip about one lawyer trying to justify his illegal activity to another lawyer. His hope...
Pacifier, The (self control)
Main Point: This funny scene from The Pacifier can jumpstart a discussion about displaying self control in the...
Elf- Saaanntaaa's Coming!
Movie Clip: Elf, PG, 2004, New Line CinemaMain Point: Christ’s second coming is something to be anticipated and enthusiastic...
(Disney Productions, 2008)Main Point: God doesn’t need “superheroes” to help Him rescue the world; He can use “regular” people...
Karate Kid, The (2010)
(Columbia Pictures, 2010)Main Point of Discussion: The Spirit of God lives all around us as well as inside us—and...
Season Seven, Episode Six, Swear
by Thom McKee Jr.Just today, my wife and I were talking about our almost 21 year marriage, and the...
Season 2, Episode 2—Bloodletting
“Bloodletting” follows up the shocking ending scene from “What Lies Ahead” where Carl gets shot by an errant bullet....
The Gospel According to the Walking Dead – Season 4, Episode 6
This week’s episode is all about redemption and the desire for a new beginning. But the hero in this...
Million Dollar Baby
PG-13, 2004, Warner Bros.Main Point: We must let nothing move us, since the victory is ours.Attention Grabber: Movie –...
Pay it Forward (forgiveness)
If you haven't already seen the Mimi Leder film "Pay It Forward" with Kevin Spacey, Helen Hunt, James Caviezel,...
Invention of Lying, The
(Warner Brothers, 2009) online pharmacy priligy no prescription pharmacy Main Point of Discussion: The biggest question in life is...
Season Seven, Episode Eleven, Hostiles and Calamities
by Thom McKeeWhat would you do if Negan captured you and asked you to join his team?Let that question...
Evan Almighty – Persecution
(Universal Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: When we choose to obey God and His will for our lives, we...
Reign of Fire
There's No Middle Ground(Spyglass Entertainment, 2002)Main Point: When it comes to spiritual warfare, there is no middle ground. We...
Chronicles of Narnia, The – Jesus Forgives
(Disney, 2005)Main Point of Discussion: Jesus is willing to forgive us of our sin.The Movie Clip: “Every traitor...
Liar, Liar
Main Point: Even though the world is filled with people who lie, as followers of Christ, we must always...
Season 10, Episode 11, Morning Star
By Thom McKeeIt seems like every day on the Walking Dead should be treated like it is the last...
The Gospel According to the Walking Dead – Season 4, Episode 5
This week’s episode provided some great father/son moments between Rick and Carl. Rick faces the reality that many parents...
Season Nine, Episode One, A New Beginning
This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan...
Last Samurai, The
2003, Rated R for strong violence and battle sequencesMain Point: This is a good clip when talking about commitment,...
Bruce Almighty (Pain with Purpose)
Main Point: This clip from Deleted Scenes on the Bonus Features of the DVD Bruce Almighty will be a...
The Avengers (Teamwork)
(Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2012) Main Point: If we want to be a force for God’s Kingdom...
Batman Begins
(Warner Bros. Pictures, 2005) online pharmacy purchase antabuse online generic Main Point of Discussion: Regardless of who we are...
Interpreter, The
Main Point: Forgiveness frees us from bitterness and revengeThe Movie Clip:The movie The Interpreter was an incredible movie about...
The Quick and the Dead
(Sony, 1995)Main Point: We must be willing to stand up for our beliefs and principles even if we have...
Season 5, Episode 15, Try
As the season finale’ rapidly approaches, Rick slowly seems to be derailing…Or does he?For five seasons Rick has carried...
DreamWorks Pictures, 2001Main Point of Discussion: Accountability and forgiveness are key ingredients for authentic friendships. The Movie Clip: "'Cause...
Waterboy, The
Touchstone Pictures, 1998Main Point of Discussion: Can we redirect anger into something good?The Movie Clip: Tackling FuelIn this movie...
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Main Point: The purpose of our lives, right down to every detail, is to glorify God.The Movie Clip:Cloudy With...
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
(Walt Disney, 2010)Main Point: When we are adopted by God, we become a part of His family and our...
Cool Runnings
(Disney, 1993)Main Point: If we want the crown that Jesus has prepared for us, we must finish the race...
Battleship (Asking for Help)
(Universal, 2012)Main Point: Most people think that asking for help shows weakness, but that’s not true. It shows wisdom,...
Elf (Spotting the Imposter)
(New Line Cinema, 2003)Main Point of Discussion: Intimately knowing Jesus is the true meaning of Christmas.The Movie Clip: “Spotting...
Flashback to Season 3
We're almost there!Our goal for The Gospel According to The Walking Dead is to provide you with discussions for...
Season Seven, Episode Fifteen, Something They Need
by Thom McKeeHave you ever been betrayed by someone you trust? Maybe this was a person that you could...
Season Six, Episode Fourteen, Twice As Far
by Thom McKee Jr.Have you ever made the same mistake twice?Let's face it, we all make mistakes - there...
Air Force One
(Columbia, 1997)Main Point: We cannot turn a blind eye to other’s suffering. We have an obligation to do what’s...
Stranger Than Fiction (courage, when life stinks)
(Sony Pictures/Columbia Pictures, 2006)Main Point of Discussion: At the crossroads of life, we often find our greatest courage to...
Season Nine, Episode Two, The Bridge
This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan Crittenden.Redemption is...
Season Three, Episode Fifteen, This Sorrowful Life
by Thom McKee Jr.Is leadership in the zombie apocalypse any different than it is in our world? Does the...
Season Seven, Episode Twelve, Say Yes
by Thom McKeeWhat will happen to the world when I am gone?I know that it sounds like a pretty...
Schindler's List (power/forgiveness)
(Universal Pictures, 1993)Main Point of Discussion: One of the greatest powers in the world is the ability to forgive.The...
Ocean's Twelve
MAIN POINT: The last shall be first. Finishing first isn’t necessarily God’s plan for our life.The movie...
Season Seven, Episode Two, The Well
by Thom McKee Jr.Do people manufacture hope simply because they can't deal with the possibility that there might be...
Season 2, Episode 3—Save the Last One
Episode Three lumbers along sort of like a slow moving walker as the group is still in the same...
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
(Paramount, 1987)Main Point: We gotta make sure we’re going the right direction in life, or we’ll have to face...
Bruce Almighty – (Prayer)
PG-13, 2002 (Jim Carrey, Morgan Freeman, Jennifer Aniston)The movie, Bruce Almighty is about a guy who complains about God...
Talladega Nights (The Ballad of Ricky Bobby)
(Sony Pictures, 2006)Main Point: There are plenty of wrong ways to pray, but, if we want our prayers to...
17 Again
(New Line Cinema, 2009)Main Point of Discussion: Being bold and taking a stand for what we believe in can...
Spiderman 3 – (Forgive Yourself)
Main Point: When we’ve hurt others, the only right thing to do is seek forgiveness, for ourselves and for...
The Gospel According to The Walking Dead—Season 4, Episode 14
Is killing wrong?The verse, “Thou shalt not kill” comes to mind (in the King James, no less), but yet...
(Warner Brothers Pictures, 2009)Main Point of Discussion: Through Christ we can make peace with our enemies.The Movie Clip: Invictus...
Day After Tomorrow, The
Movie clip: The Day After Tomorrow, PG-13, 2004, Twentieth Century FoxMain Point: We must not be ashamed of telling...
Ghost Rider
(Columbia Pictures, 2007)Main Point of Discussion: Through Christ, you can have a fresh start.The Movie Clip: “A Second Chance.”Ghost...
Meet the Parents (Praying… in Plain Language)
Main Point: When we pray, we don’t have to use fancy church words. Jesus just wants us to talk...