For this game, you need one person to volunteer to be the "judge". Make sure that this person knows that they will not be playing, but they serve as a referee for the game. Once you have a judge, have the rest of the group stand in a circle facing outward. The judge will walk around the outside of the circle, and randomly pick...
Texas Shoot Out
For this game, you need one person to volunteer to be the "judge". Make sure that this person knows...
Spoon Assassins
Preparation: You are going to need one spoon per person playing.This game is super fun and you can play...
Meme me up Scotty
Preparation: Before your meeting print out a bunch of silly internet photos and/or funny pictures of your students/leaders. Baby...
Instructions: In this game up to 40 people can play, but more pairs can always be made. Every participant...
Degrees of Separation
Preparation: Paper and pens for each group.To start this game have students and leaders get into groups of 3-6...
For this game gather everyone into a circle. Each player will need to come up with their own sign....
Human Sculptures
For this game, divide your students into 2 teams. This game needs each team to have a minimum of...
Bind Us Together
Preparation: All you need is one long ribbon per team.Divide your group into teams.The object of the game is...
So Rah
This is a great ice-breaker game that requires no prep. This game is best played in a group of...
Double Trouble Shoe Switcheroo
Anybody can play this game as long as they have a partner and both players are wearing shoes or...
Kitchen Hockey
Preparation: Household kitchen appliances like spatulas, wooden spoons, and bowls.This game is played just like floor hockey except instead...
Cheerios on a Noodle
Split your group and make everyone get with a partner. Give one person in each group an uncooked spaghetti...
Wild Card Musical Chairs
Preparation: For this game, you will need to come up with a list of different activities that the "wild...
Who Am I ?
Preparation: Nametags and SharpiesGive each student a name tag and have them write their first and last name in...
Telephone Pictionary
Preparation: Pens and lots of paper!The only thing you need for this game is a pen and a half...
Knock ‘Em Over
Have all your students stand up and find a partner. They stand back to back and on "1,2,3, Go!"...
Have everyone stand in a circle. Players put their hands in front of them in a "praying" position, around...
How’s Yours?
This is a really fun game that is also very, very simple to play. You need zero supplies or...
Marshmallow H.O.R.S.E.
Marshmallow HorseThis is a great game for small groups that meet in homes, but you can use it in...
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
MAIN POINT: This game shows how we as humans can be different every day of the week, but Jesus...
Carboard Warriors
This game is great because it involves everybody, but lets them choose their degree of participation. Here's how you...
Food Chain
This is a youth group classic! You can use this game in a pinch for years to come. To...
The Question Game
You can play this game with any number of people, though the larger the crowd, the better. The best...
Charade Wars
The idea of this game is to have multiple teams playing charades at the same time with the same...
It’s a Numbers Thing
This is a great game for the entire audience. Even though it’s a competition between the boys and girls...
I’m The Best At…
Although this game can be played anywhere, it really works well on those long youth ministry trips like summer...
Musical Candy – Feet or Face!
This game can be a lot of fun…or gross…or both! You get to decide…and your students are at your...
Gender Genius Challenge
Break out the boxing gloves…this cool game will definitely get your group fired up! It’s called Gender Genius Challenge...
War Ball
War ball is combination of dodgeball, capture the flag, and hide and seek. Let me explain!You can make your...
World War Alphabet
This game can be played anywhere, but is best for small groups of students, or tons of students broken...
Paper, Rock, Whatever!
This game is played just like Rock-Paper-Scissors with one exception: participants can call out ANYTHING they want on the...
Cardboard Camelot
This game is great because it involves everybody, but lets them choose their degree of participation. Here’s how you...
A Song For My Leader
This is a fantastic way to help strengthen the relationships between the teenagers and the adult leaders that serve...
Name That Movie
This game is great because it allows everyone to participate to whatever degree they want to while providing tons...
Kisses and Mallows
Supplies needed: online pharmacy wellbutrin buy with best prices today in the USA Large bowls (one for each team/group)Lots...
Pictionary Telephone
This game is similar to the classic “Telephone” game, but also makes use of some of the elements of...
Hamster Knockout
No, this doesn’t involve hamsters in boxing gloves…but this is a game that your kids might possibly remember for...
Fact or Fiction?
This is a great game for small to medium-sized groups that not only offers the prospect of winning a...
The Cat in the Hat
Preparation: Notecards, pens, and a big hatAs students enter, give them a notecard and have them write down a question...
Scrabble Scramble
If you are looking for a fun game that EVERYBODY can play, this is it!Before the game begins…Use a...
Doggy Doo and Kitty Doo
This game works best with at least 10 students, but the more the merrier. Break students into two equal...
Paper Airplane Toss
Basically, this game is played like a water-balloon or egg toss, only you use paper airplanes instead. So you'll...
Text Message Relay
This fun game makes use of kids’ cell phones and their innate ability to send quick text messages to...
Newspaper Ninja
This strange-sounding game will bring lots of laughter to your group. Here’s how you play it.Put your whole group...
Pick One
Preparation: You will need to make a slideshow with a few different questions/answers before this mixer.This game gets students...
Church Cell Phone Scavenger Hunt
Almost every kid has a cell phone these days, and almost every single one of those kids bring it...
Never Have I Ever
Everybody can play this fun game, plus it helps people learn a little bit about others in a fun...
Sneaky TEXT Message Game
One of the BEST ways to communicate to kids today is by using the TEXT feature on your cell...
Towel Throw
Here’s a quick game that works in almost any setting…plus everybody gets to play. All you need is a...
Mangle Tangle
This is a really fun game that everyone can play, and possibly win, because athleticism counts for nothing in...
Ask the Pastor – With A Twist
Ask the Pastor - with a TwistIf you are in a setting where you want to tackle a tough...
Balance the Bucket
This is a fun activity that can also double as a team work exercise as well. Split your group...
Snowball Tag
This is a fun game that allows everyone to be a part of the action. Here’s how you do...
Bloody Pirates!
This game is high energy, but you need a big group of kids to play it. Here’s how you...
Circle Chase
You can play this game with any number of people, but if you have a large group, break them...
Books of the Bible Hunt
This simple game works great as a teaser or opener to a discussion on The Bible. Here is what...
Reindeer Round Up
In this game, all the guys (Reindeers) get on all fours. The girls (Elves) have to get the guys...
Human Gift Wrapping
Separate students into groups of 4-5 each. Every group will get a pair of safety scissors, tape, wrapping paper,...
Santa Scrooge Snowman
This is a group version of the “Paper-Rock-Scissors” game, with the elements being replaced with Santa, Scrooge, and Snowman....
Defend The Balloon
Wanna great game that provides plenty of action? This is it! All you need is a lot of balloons...
War (Card Version)
This is a modification of the familiar card game, "War".Divide the students into two groups that are even. Hand...
What’s That on Your 4 Head?
This game makes a great audience game for those times when you need to keep your crowd together. It...
Turkey Hunt
If you are looking for something to do with that extra frozen turkey that got left over from Thanksgiving,...
Pumpkin Decoration
If you want something fun to do that will involve your entire group, this game is perfect for you.Split...
Over, Under, Round and Round
This is much like the normal version of the “Over Under” game.In this version, get students into two teams...
Mars Bar Dress Up
Gotta small group and wanna have a lot of laughs? This one is for you!Get your students to sit...
Dodge Ball Variation “Danny Ball”
This variation of Dodge Ball is kinda like a “last man standing” version of the hit game. It is...
Flinging Flying Cheese Ball Challenge
This is a challenge where one side of the room competes against the other. Choose a representative from each...
Hyper Spy Hunt
This game is probably best played off the church campus. This manhunt-sort-of-game puts your group in teams, forces them...
Extreme Makeover: Cardboard Box Edition
If you've ever seen Extreme Makeover: Home Edition and thought those guys had a blast building those incredible houses,...
Marshmallow Dodge Ball
The same rules as Dodgeball, but played with the big sized marshmallows. It’s a lot softer to get hit...
This game is much like our "Fruit Basket Upset," "Identity," and "Newspaper Name Nail." Only, here, you work with...
Card Ninja
All you need for this game is a deck of playing cards for every 10 students, but the addition...
Musical chairs of death
Basically it is like musical chairs, but with a twist. First, set up the chairs in a circle with...
Little Debbie Treasure Hunt
Get all sorts of “Little Debbie” treats and hide them around the church. Split the youth into groups according...
Hula Hoop Hoopla
Everyone stands in a circle holding hands. One person has the large Hula Hoop looped over one arm. The...
Wink Murder
Get everyone sat in a circle. Choose a “detective” to go out of the room. Amongst everyone remaining choose...
Story Book
This game can be played anywhere. It can take as much or as little time as you would like....
Popsicle Surprise
Take plastic Popsicle trays you can put in a freezer and fill them with your own type of Popsicle...
Stepping Stones
This exercise is for groups with at least 10 kids. (For larger groups you probably will want to divide...
This game is similar to a fast-paced Scrabble using a balloon popping relay. Good for groups of twenty or...
You will need one pair of pantyhose for every two students that will be playing this game. Cut the...
Rubber Chicken Run
Set up: Form two teams by lining up the kids in two lines. The students are numbered one to...
Chocolate Hopping Race
In this game, there are two teams with an equal number of players. Line up both teams making sure...
This game works great IF YOU BREAK THE TEAMS UP PROPERLY. The objective of this game is to have...
Blowdart Basketball
We designed this game for our youth group because it works especially well as an active game that you...
This game is a variation of the old faithful "Hot/Cold" game. One person is chosen to be "it" and...
Big Group Twister
This game can be played with groups ranging in size from 20 to 100. You play according to the...
Mr. Mumbles
This can be done with any amount of people, but the more the better. Have them sit in a...
The Circle of Life
The Circle of LifeFor this game, all the participants sit in a circle (usually a small group-10 and under)....
Tag Blue
It really is as simple as it sounds...Have students mingle around the room. Once they're moving, yell out, "Tag...
NBA Challenge
This game works best when students are allowed to team up (around tables, for instance) and compete in groups....
Depending on the size of your group this can be an all play or an upfront game. (If you...
Rice Crispy Relay
Supplies needed: Three flat pans (the large disposable roasting pans work well and you can get them cheap at...
12 Days of Christmas
Note: It is great to have a live band for this game, but it is not completely necessary. A...
Musical Christmas Gift
This game needs a room big enough to allow your students to get into a circle.We had approximately 100...
Clothespeg Cross
At the beginning of your event pass around 3-5 clothespegs for each person that arrives. During your event, there...
The Cardboard 500
This is a relay racing game that pits two teams against one another. You can make this an up-front...
Phlat Ball
You will need a Phlat Ball, which is a ball that pops open randomly. Or, you'll need some sort...
Name Bingo
Preparation: You will need to create Bingo Cards with 25 blank spaces, and have enough paper for everyone.For this...
Guess That Toe!
Have two rounds (one with 3 boys and the other with 3 girls). In a separate room, have the...
Count It Out
Gather youth into a tight circle of 5-10. (If you have more than ten, you can make this a...
Appointment Clock
Create a clock on a piece of paper, and make sure you use one with hands to each of...
Acting Out
We LOVE this game! You can have students improvise the scenes on the spot for an upfront/audience game or...
Musical Backs
Similar to musical chairs, students pair up with another student back-to-back while locking arms when the music stops. To...
Light Saber Wars
I got this game from someone else so don't give me the credit. You partner up your students. They...
Musical Stocking
Everyone sits in a circle. Put different strips of paper with different things to do in a Christmas stocking...
Top Dollar
Description: This game is similar to the $1000 Bill Exchange (Click Here). For this game, you will need to...
MAIN POINT: buy imodium online no prescription This is a fun game that challenges and encourages students to...
Sundae Feed
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy buy phenergan online with best prices today in the USA In life, we have to...
Traveling Musical Balloons
Ahead of time, blow up as many balloons as there are students on your bus. Play music and during...
Curly, Moe, and Larry
MAIN POINT: Remembering the names of people in your group.Groups of 20-30 people sit or stand in a circle. One...
A What?
A funny game that can be played with 5-50. To start the game, tell everyone to take out a...
Bible Books Puzzle 2 (25 Hidden Books)
Can you find twenty-five (25) books of the Bible in the paragraph, below?This is a most remarkable puzzle. Someone...
Bible Books Puzzle 3 (30 Hidden Books)
Can you find thirty (30) books of the Bible hidden in the paragraph below?This is a most remarkable puzzle....
Bible Books Puzzle 1 (20 Hidden Books)
(Note there is one abbreviation in this)Someone showed me this story and remarked that there are 20 books of...
Guess Again
Each person chooses to be a famous character, actor, cartoon character, or otherwise famous person. Once a player knows...
A Walk in the Dark
MAIN POINT: This game can be a discussion starter if talking about friendship or the Ecclesiastes principle of, “Two...
Sock Mania
Two students at a time play in the middle of a circle while the others cheer them on. Have...
Pass the Key
Everyone gets into 2 even teams and each team stands in a circle. Each team is then given a...
Battle of The Nuts
A messy but simple game for groups under 50. Get a few bags of peanuts in the shell. Give...
Baseball Team Quiz (MLB)
Like Football Team Quiz (Click Here). For a big group, break up into groups of 4 requiring at least...
Getting to Know It
MAIN POINT: This game helps students get to know one another and work on communication.Split the group into girls and guys....
Build a Word
Small group or travel game. The object is to spell a word of three or more letters. Each person...
Small group game. Break up into teams of 3-6. Give each group 5-10 random silly or unusual pictures (photos...
Blinded by Money
MAIN POINT: This game is a kickstarter for a discussion on money, greed, priorities, friends, or hearing God’s voice. Point out...
Alphabet Getting to Know You
As people enter the room, give everyone a pre-typed sheet of paper with each letter of the alphabet (x-optional)...
Small group or travel game.Either in seat order or in a circle, the first person says the name of...
Mingle for Money
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy order zestril no prescription with best prices today in the USA This is a getting...
This Game Stinks!
Provide 12 film canisters (or similar small containers) for as many students as you have playing. Fill film canisters...
Triangle Ball
Supplies: 3 tables, 2 buckets, 1 bouncy small ball, lots of studentsPlay like basketball. Set up 3 tables on...
Top Monkey
A silly game - Simon Says meets Paper, Rock, Scissors.STEP #1: One person is the Top Monkey (they make...
Tubal Tug
Get 5 small to medium sized inner tubes. One of them serves as the middle ring. Tie 4 ropes...
Christmas Carol Quiz (New Skool)
Figure out the Christmas Carol title from the clue.1. Not here in an animal’s dish2. Smack the Passageways3. Move...
Closer To God With Balloons
MAIN POINT: Use this game with a discussion about things that can bring you closer to God vs. things...
Toilet Seat Toss, aka Horseshoes with a Twist
Materials needed: 2 plungers & 2 toilet seats - one set (2 plungers, 2 seats) for every 2 teams.Instead...
Twister Testimony
For this game, you will need the classic game Twister or a homemade version if your group is big. Every...
Tootsie Roll Sculpture
Split your group into even teams. Give each a bag of tootsie rolls and a pair of latex gloves.Instruct...
Blow Pop Necklace
Buy enough Blow Pops (Blow Pops, not cheap suckers - students have to LIKE what you use) for three...
Prince of Paris
For this game, you need at least 10 players, a narrator, and a designated amount of time.Start with a...
This & That
This is a quick small group opener/activity--just a fun way of getting to know each other a little better.Get...
Snowball Fight
For this game, you need toilet paper and garbage bags. Now, split your group down the middle...half go to...
Starburst Toss
Good small group outdoor game. Draw a target on the ground w/sidewalk. Have 3 or 4 packs or bags...
Hot Potato With a Twist
You need spoons or forks for everyone participating, something gross to eat (baby food, Vienna sausages in a can...
Toilet Paper Bride
Bring 3 willing girls up front. Once there, split the rest of your group into teams. Give each team...
The Winking Game
Great Small Group game.Form a circle of chairs. Girls sit on chairs; guys stand behind girls’ chairs. One guy...
Penny Challenge
It's similar to $1000 Bill Exchange (Click Here). Seat the group in a circle, giving a penny to each...
Movie Game
Have someone give a line from a popular movie. The first person to say the movie title the line...
Egg, Chicken, Dinosaur
The goal of this game is to work your way up by beating other players at Rock-Scissors-Paper to the...
TV Tag
Like regular tag, only when the person who's "it" is about to tag you, duck and say the name...
French Charades
Divide into teams of 5-7 people. Have members of one team leave the room while the others think of...
Weiner Wars
Wiener War I online pharmacy purchase topamax online generic buy proscar online buy proscar online no prescription ...
Back Artist – aka Touch Telephone
This game is based on the old "telephone game" but involves touch rather than hearing. No talking is allowed....
Balloon & Elastic Tangle
Form teams of an even number. Prepare a balloon and a ring of elastic for each team. The elastic...
Ice Cube Race
Funny small group game. Split your group in half and line them up. They will pass an ice cube...
Football Team Quiz (NFL)
This game is great for either a big or a small group. For a big group, break up into...
Pantyhose Stuff
Divide group into teams of 4. Give each team a pair of pantyhose and explain that they will have...
Getting To Know You Better
MAIN POINT: Great game for getting to know students after a summer break, an influx of new students, or...
Blind Draw
Great game for a small group. Everyone in the group is given a sheet of paper and a pen....
Big Bad Wolf
Divide students into teams of 4-6. Give each team enough newspaper and tape to build a newspaper shelter of...
Sound Effects
Supplies Needed: blank tape and tape recorder.Instructions: Your group has 15 minutes to record the sounds listed below. The...
Team Competition Scrabble
Each team gets a packet containing the same set of Scrabble letters with points written on them. Each team...
Zip Zap
Gather your group and have them sit in a circle. This is a simple game consisting of 2 words-...
Valentine Toe Freezer
For this game, you need as many buckets of ice water (or snow) as you'll have teams, with equally...
Divide the group into smaller groups and give them a topic to make a silly skit up about.Suggestions: ...
Cereal Box Puzzle
Cut off the front panel of several cereal boxes — one for each group you've formed. Then cut up...
Alphabet Pockets
MAIN POINT: Teamwork, cooperation, and creativity.Divide into teams of 4 or 5. Everyone on the team searches through their...
Pumpkin Decorating
Divide into groups of 4 or 5 and give each group a pumpkin on which they need to draw...
Garbage War
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy purchase desyrel online no prescription This might be a goofy opener for a talk...
Potato Head Maker
Break the group into teams of four. Give each team a potato, toothpicks, and cut up vegetable pieces. The...
Puzzle Mixer
As students arrive, give them each the piece to a kid’s jigsaw puzzle (minimum 10 pcs, maximum 25). If...
Pumpkin Puzzle
This is a great competitive team mixer for the fall. Cut up pumpkins into 8-10 pieces. Break your group...
Human Typewriters
Pin a large card bearing a letter of the alphabet to each person’s arm. Give each person a small...
Valentine Candy Mixer
Pass out Valentine "conversational" heart candy to everyone, then split up into groups and have each group come up...
Song Making
Split the room up into groups and give each group five words on a card. They need to make...
Fruit Sculpture
Break up into teams. Each team makes a sculpture out of the fruit given to it. Award prizes for...
Dollar Surprise
This is a great mingling game. One or two people will have a dollar. Everyone goes around shaking hands....
Give Yourself A Hand!
MAIN POINT: Motivator for positive self-esteem.Items Needed: buy avodart online avodart online no prescription Paper, markers or ink...
The group sits in a circle. Each member gives the person on their right a "trigger," such as, "Every...
Story Time
Great game for travel or small group. One person starts a story – any kind of story (i.e. “Once...
Travel Alphabet Game
Travel Game: See who can find the letters of the alphabet in order just by looking at signs along...
Ninja, Gun, Gorilla
Same as “Rock-Scissors-Paper”, only you use your whole body. Play it up huge, having someone demonstrate each:Ninja: guy in...
Sentence Game
MAIN POINT: It really shows that everyone thinks differently and uniquely.Great game for Jr. Highers, travel, or creative kids....
Big Bootie
You can use any size group with this game. Sit in a circle and designate someone to be the...
Christmas: Dueling Carolers
Divide into 2-4 groups. Give each group 5 minutes to come up with as many Christmas carols as they...
Marshmallow Pass
Divide the room in half and give each kid in the room toothpicks. Split into teams and then race....
License Plate Find (State Nicknames)
Great Travel Game, but can also be played in a group.List on a blackboard, overhead, or handout the following...
Polaroid Picture Challange
You can make this a class competition. Mount a Polaroid on a tripod that must be held stationary on...
Newspaper Search
Split the group into teams and hand out a newspaper to each. Call out different things that they need...
Grocery Bag Take Off
Get the group seated in chairs in a circle and give each a grocery bag. Say that you are...
Ro-Sham-Bo Train
Everyone grab a partner. Rock paper scissors - if you lose you go follow behind the person that beat...
Fall Of Faith
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.A youth ministry classic. Get a person to stand...
Taboo on an Easel
This is like the board game Taboo, but on an easel and a lot easier. Divide your audience into...
String Toss Game
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGet a spool of string or yarn. Have each person answer a question of...
Squirt Game
Have everyone sit in a circle. Designate one person as the "squirter" and one person as the "moderator." For...
Newspaper Name Nail (aka Whomp em’)
Small Group mixer. Have everyone sit in a circle as close as they can get. Have each person give...
Great game for limited space or if you're stuck indoors. Also good for smaller groups or over-nighters.The object of...
Stand on the Bucket
Outdoor or indoor. Quick game that can be used in many different ways. Get as many white, 5-gallon buckets...
T-Shirt Challenge
Use a men's size medium t-shirt, place it flat out on the ground, and see how many students can...
Musical Squirt Guns
Have your group sit on chairs in a circle. Play really bad music (like Swiss accordion music). As the...