Last weekend, I took 7 teenagers with me to give out food to the homeless, and the experience proved...
Owning Their Faith
Tony, a high school boy in our ministry, begged me to let him speak at youth group. He...
Let them Lead
When COVID shut down our in-person youth ministry, I challenged my youth to record a one-minute devotional video, and...
People Over Program
If we are too focused on program (I’ve gotta set up these games, let’s practice this worship set one...
Surviving Zoom Fatigue
If you are feeling “zoomed out,” I promise you – many of your teens are also. Here are some...
Helping lonely kids…which is most of them
How can you help an already stressed out generation, now hurting more than ever before, when screens aren’t fulfilling?...
Want help with ideas for 'how to up your game' and feel like you know what you are doing...
Pandemic Evangelism
It’s pandemic evangelism. Foxhole evangelism. I’ve heard it called many things. But I’ve seen it personally over the last...
I Led Youth Group on Zoom Last Night…
Last night I led youth group on Zoom. I thought it would be different... and it was. But it...
When Youth Ministry Goes Remote
As more and more school districts close and churches limit gatherings, there is going to be millions of teens...
Paging Doctor Youth Pastor
How much more would your influence and impact grow if you became an indispensable resource to your church and...
Out-of-Control Kids
We've all had kids in our ministry whose behavior is unruly, unsafe or sometimes just completely out-of-control. What do...
The Importance of Face-to-Face Ministry
Have you ever tried hosting an ‘official’ youth ministry event that felt ‘unofficial’? No games, no small groups, no...
Youth Ministry Screen-to-Screen
It's a simple formula that generations of student ministry are built on...gather students at church and get them excited...
When Teenagers Cause Distress
If you are in distress because a student is suffering and hurting and it breaks your heart, that makes...
The Best of 2019
As you look back at 2019, here’s the free resources and articles you won’t want to have missed from...
Mise en Place Youth Ministry
Great youth ministry leadership is like the French cooking term “mise en place,” or everything in its place: the...
When Haters Hate Campus Ministry
Haters are always going to be trying to keep true followers of Jesus off campus. The question is… how...
Invite Depth
Inviting depth really revolves around one idea: authentic presence. As a youth worker, I am authentic in my care for...
Power in Numbers
Most youth workers would love to connect with other youth workers for encouragement and ideas...but most youth workers don't...
Choosing the “Perfect” Volunteer
We know we need volunteers…but what kind of person makes up a perfect volunteer? We want someone who...
Engaging Kids about Pop-Culture
A song on the top of the charts, a new Netflix show everyone is binging, a new trend everyone...
Creating All-Star Volunteers
Ever have a volunteer who just doesn’t do what they “volunteered” to do? I have learned empathy for the...
Wanna Really Help Kids? Help Their Parents
One of the best ways youth leaders can help today's young people is to help the people who are...
Four Ways to Build the Self Esteem of “Generation Screen”
In a world where teen self-esteem is at a historic low, how can we actually help young people feel...
Correcting with Grace
In youth ministry, we deal with all sorts of crazy behavior. How we handle it communicates just as much...
Helping Parents Prevent Porn
As youth workers we're always looking for helpful resources to hand parents- here's 3 resources helping moms and dads...
Tray of Fat
Last summer my dog Lionel discovered something delicious—the drip tray underneath our outdoor propane grill. Whenever we grill burgers,...
They Listen When I Talk about Jesus
It was an interesting phenomenon, and I would have thought it just a fluke thing had I not tried...
Lead Yourself First
Here is a hard truth that we must face: we can’t lead anyone further than we have gone ourselves....
Are Committed Christian Guys an Endangered Species?
Why is it every time I teach at a youth leadership convention, the audience is comprised of 75% females?...
5 Ways to Ruin A Lesson
We’ve all seen messages that have knocked it out of the park and others that have fallen flat on...
Oh, and I’m bisexual
A friend of mine was just at a family gathering talking with one of his nieces. He asked her...
Why Home is the Best Location for Youth Ministry
The church was small, and they didn’t have a facility yet, so they had to meet in homes for...
The Secret Sauce to Game Leading
Have you ever been leading a game and things suddenly…are just “right?” There is laughter, energy, and true play....
When Soccer Trumps Youth Group
You know the drill. You get super fired up for a student ministry event your team has been planning....
Top 5 Fundraising Ideas
Those of us in youth ministry seem to always need to raise funds or get sponsors for something—camp scholarships,...
What Do Our Youth Need Most?
A kid in pain... do I craft a lesson around emotional pain and how Jesus can be salve for...
Not Married to the Ministry
“So will your wife be helping in the youth ministry as well?” In any job there are presumably going...
5 Teens or Less
“So how many teens can they expect to reach effectively?” I asked him.“How many leaders do they have?” It...
Grace First
I’ve asked hundreds of kids to write down an answer to the question, “If God came to you in...
Five Best Apps For Youth Ministry
Youth ministries depend on quality volunteers. And here's one simple practice to help you mobilize them...
People Want to Be Asked
Youth ministries depend on quality volunteers. And here's one simple practice to help you mobilize them...
When Teens Are Out of Control
I know you're supposed to love kids and build them up. But what if they're being a real pain?
Filling the Tank
You cannot give what you don’t have. Eventually everyone runs dry, and the only way to continue doing ministry...
5 Athletes and One Nerd
I met with a friend today who was ecstatic. “My teenage son is finally excited about church!” My friend...
What If Kids Don’t Think I’m Awesome?
by Joel WilliamsonConfession: After 16 years of youth ministry, I still get nauseous when I walk into a school...
The Three Vital Practices of Today’s Youth Pastor
by Jonathan McKee“How can I become the best youth pastor possible?”Wow! Talk about your huge questions! I just received...
The Math We Miss
by Jonathan McKeeSome youth workers aren’t very good at math.Let’s do a little simple math (stolen from my The...
Poor Leadership 101
The youth ministry was fizzling out and no one knew why.It was as simple as this: kids weren’t meeting...
What youth ministry should look like
by Jonathan McKeeI walked into the small church Fellowship Hall and it was busting at the seams. 300-plus teenagers...
Four Numbers That Will Always Matter in Youth Ministry
by Jonathan McKeeLife is full of over-reactions…but they are abundant in youth ministry circles.Have you noticed these swings of...
Training Your Own Volunteers
Training Your Own VolunteersPosted on: 06/3/14 5:30 AM | by Jonathan McKeeIf you’re a ministry leader, what do you do to...
Chaperone… or Sherpa?
Chaperone… or Sherpa?Posted on: 10/20/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKeeWhat do you call your adult leaders in your youth ministry? Chaperones?...
Developing Student Leaders
Developing Student LeadersPosted on: 05/7/15 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKeeThis week I received a great question in the form of...
Back to School Conversations
Back to School ConversationsPosted on: 08/23/17 3:03 PM | by Jonathan McKeeIf your kids aren’t already back to school, they’re headed...
Top 3 qualities I’m looking for when I hire
Top 3 qualities I’m looking for when I hirePosted on: 03/8/16 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKeeSomeone just asked me, “Jonathan,...
The Power of Coming Together
The Power of Coming TogetherPosted on: 10/16/14 5:45 AM | by Jonathan McKeeLast weekend I was in a small town outside...
Principles for Newbie Youth Pastors
I have a friend who just started a job as a youth pastor for a small town church. When...
Communicating with Clarity
5 Essentials to Effectively Communicate to Today's Young PeopleWhy talk for 25 minutes when you can say it in...
Connecting with Students
Real Relationships in a World of IsolationLast month a student from the high school just down the street from...
Telling Teenagers the Explicit Truth About Sex
Four Facts About Sex We Just Can't Keep to OurselvesBy Jonathan McKee Talking with our kids about sex is never easy....
The Biggest Objections of “The Unchurched”
Understanding the Mind of the UnchurchedBy Jonathan McKee A few years ago, CBS kicked off a television series called Joan of...
Do They Run When They See You Coming?
online pharmacy robaxin over the counter with best prices today in the USA How to NEVER reach students!By Jonathan McKee This...
Speaking to a Generation with a Short Attention Span
Speaking to Make an Impact, Not Just to Entertain!By Jonathan McKeeIt's Wednesday night, a ton of students showed up....
Coming Out of the Closet…And Into the Church
What Should the Church Do About Homosexuality?By Jonathan McKee and David R. SmithHomosexuality has always been one of the greatest debates in...
It All Started with a Stupid Game
This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.orgThe location wasn’t anything special—a multi-purpose room...
Splitting High School and Middle School
This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on“My 6th grader is hangin’ out with...
Networking with Other Ministries
This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on It doesn’t matter the size...
Teens Love Jesus, but Not Reading the Bible
This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on StudentMinistry.orgWhen I was a kid, my attention...
Discovering Bus-Ride-Conversations
This article originally appeared as a guest post from Jonathan McKee on A bus full of middle...
Shhhhh! Don’t Talk About Sex!
In the spring of 2012, I was speaking at a camp in rural Wisconsin and I brought up the...
The Delicate Art of Asking Questions When Being Interviewed
Do you provide cell phones for the youth pastors? online pharmacy buy propecia with best prices today in...
How to Make Your Movie Night Flop
Do you remember years ago when "Jurassic Park" came out on video? I'll never forget it. Because that's when...
How Do I Program ‘Hang-out’ Time
I like to survey students whenever possible, and one of the purposely-vague questions I always like to ask...
Recruiting Volunteers
An Effective Strategy to Get More Help!I've never met a youth worker who hung a sign on his office...
How Do I Keep Volunteers?
Got volunteers? Getting them is one thing... but what's the trick to keeping them? Glad you asked....
I Hate Recruiting Volunteers
"I love children's ministry---all of the creative parts of developing exciting programs, but I ...
Simmer Down Now
We recently received an email from our friend Joe that asks some great questions about discipline: I've struggled with...
How Do I Run a Successful Program?
Find a Purpose or Theme This doesn't necessarily mean that you need a discussion topic theme, like "Knowing God."...
How Do I Make My Youth Group Grow?
One of the most frequent questions I am e-mailed is "How can my youth group grow and reach more...
Programming Large Events
Question: What do you do with an audience of over 1,000? Good question. It's not like you can...
Ministry to BY Teenagers
The following article is an excerpt from Jonathan's brand new book, Ministry by Teenagers: Developing Leaders from WithinA few...
How Do I Program a Basic 20 Minute Program?
Twenty Minutes? What's so important about programming a 20 minute program? Good Question. Ask yourself the following:...
Where Has All the Ministry Money Gone
When it comes to fund-raising in a down economy, giving the extra $20 at a car wash or bake...
Does Street Evangelism Work?
A Quick Note from Jonathan... A few weeks ago I read an amazing article written by...
Presenting the Gospel
Here are five Biblical facts that you can share with someone about a relationship with God. Each fact has...
Are You Ready for Kids With Special Needs?
And I thought I had experienced disruptive kids! Carol Race can't take her son to church. One Sunday she...
My “2 Cents” on Small Groups
Dear Small Group Leaders,Every time we speak to kids they have the opportunity to hear the truth. That is,...
The Source Podcast
Listen to authors, speakers, and youth ministry veterans discuss relevant youth ministry issues, equipping us with the tools...
Training Your Own Volunteers
When you hear the word "training," what comes to mind? A large conference? A Saturday workshop? Bringing in...
Dear Youth Pastor, We're glad that you're serious about becoming a better youth leader, and helping your volunteers...
Hire Me!
So, you believe that God has called you to invest your life into loving and leading teenagers? Awesome! ...
How Should a Part Time Leader Schedule Their Week?
We recently received this email from a part-time youth worker named Araceli: I read your article of...
How Should a Youth Pastor Schedule Their Week?
You're sitting somewhat paralyzed in your office chair. The dazed and confused look on your face comes from seeing...
When My Wife Had Enough!
I'll never forget the moment when my wife had HAD ENOUGH! She scooped up our kids and walked for...
Planning for Impact?
People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan!As I was previewing Jim Burns new edition of THE YOUTH...
Jonathan’s “Seven Deadly Sins” of Game Leading
The Seven No No's - Do these seven things and your games will stink! 1. Tell...
Developing Student Leaders
Millions of teenagers are apathetic about their faith, and their indifference greatly reveals itself each year when many...
When the Ministry Budget isn’t Big Enough
His motives seemed pure. "I just want to see kids reached with the Gospel." Who can argue with...
Leading Small Groups… without Losing Your Mind
A Closer Look at What Small Groups Can DoLet's cut to the chase. Do you want a ministry tool...
Connecting with Students
Last month a student from the high school just down the street from me excused himself from class about...
They Came Forward… Now What?
Recently I've spoken at several events that were very well planned... until the altar call. Think about this...