MAIN POINT: This is a fun game designed to start a discussion about healthy relationships and safe dating habits. Preparation: To get ready for this game, you are going to need a few different supplies. We recommend using pipe and drape so that you can divide the bachelor/bachelorette from the other contestants. You'll need at least 4 chairs (one for each contestant), a plastic spoon,...
The Dating Game
MAIN POINT: This is a fun game designed to start a discussion about healthy relationships and safe dating habits. Preparation:...
Dirty Words
MAIN POINT: The words we use can have an impact on others, and we want to use language that builds...
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow
MAIN POINT: This game shows how we as humans can be different every day of the week, but Jesus...
Spin the Compliment
MAIN POINT: This game is designed to get students into the habit of encouraging one another with their words.“Spin...
The Maze of Life
MAIN POINT: You can use John 10:1-5 as a starting point to discuss how important it is to know the...
The Blind Leading the Blind
MAIN POINT: This game takes its name from Matthew 15:14 and is a visual/physical presentation of how following "the...
MAIN POINT: This game starts as a good intro to a discussion about hearing/recognizing God's voice when He speaks.Preparation:...
MAIN POINT: buy imodium online no prescription This is a fun game that challenges and encourages students to...
Sundae Feed
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy buy phenergan online with best prices today in the USA In life, we have to...
Curly, Moe, and Larry
MAIN POINT: Remembering the names of people in your group.Groups of 20-30 people sit or stand in a circle. One...
Board Walk
MAIN POINT: It is difficult to walk steadily and be focused on the tasks at hand if we allow...
Gross Domestic Product
MAIN POINT: There are many choices when it comes to living your life and what gods to follow, but...
River Crossing (Pool)
MAIN POINT: Use this activity prior to a discussion with the guys about being gentlemen.ONLY DO THIS if you...
A Walk in the Dark
MAIN POINT: This game can be a discussion starter if talking about friendship or the Ecclesiastes principle of, “Two...
Getting to Know It
MAIN POINT: This game helps students get to know one another and work on communication.Split the group into girls and guys....
Blinded by Money
MAIN POINT: This game is a kickstarter for a discussion on money, greed, priorities, friends, or hearing God’s voice. Point out...
Box or Bucket
MAIN POINT: Team building!This is a silly outdoor or indoor retreat, camp, or group game. You need several (10-20)...
Name Game 2
MAIN POINT: Getting students to know one another.Preparation: Index cards, tape, and pensThis is a small group game. As each...
MAIN POINT: You can use this game as a kickstarter for a discussion about friends leading you down the...
Mingle for Money
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy order zestril no prescription with best prices today in the USA This is a getting...
Closer To God With Balloons
MAIN POINT: Use this game with a discussion about things that can bring you closer to God vs. things...
Balloon Pass Smash
MAIN POINT For A Small Group: it's a good way to get people to sit differently than they would....
TP Tell All
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy buy prednisone no insurance with best prices today in the USA Getting to know...
Questions Under Fire!
MAIN POINT: It’s hard to focus on what matters when we surround ourselves with distractions.Loud, fast, funny game w/a...
Bible Smugglers
MAIN POINT: Gets kids to solidify what they've learned concerning the salvation message.This game works well if all of your...
Soap Shrink
MAIN POINT: Sin, though forgiven, almost always has consequences that aren't usually "shrunk" easily.This is a good camp game....
Getting To Know You Better
MAIN POINT: Great game for getting to know students after a summer break, an influx of new students, or...
Banana Surgery
MAIN POINT: Things when taken apart (relationships, reputations, etc.) aren't as easily put back together as it may seem.This...
Rain Maker
MAIN POINT(S): Things aren't always what they seem (see related trivia below). Gets their attention before you speak.This game...
Bucket Balance
MAIN POINT: Teamwork.Choose two teams of four. Have the teams lie on their backs in a circle with their...
Guy’s Best Pick-up Line
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Garbage War
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy purchase desyrel online no prescription This might be a goofy opener for a talk...
Alphabet Pockets
MAIN POINT: Teamwork, cooperation, and creativity.Divide into teams of 4 or 5. Everyone on the team searches through their...
Questionnaire Game
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youFor this game, you'll need as many pens as students and a pre-typed/copied questionnaire.Have...
One Body
MAIN IDEA: Ask what they learned about the Church being "One Body" through this game.Depending on # of players...for...
Give Yourself A Hand!
MAIN POINT: Motivator for positive self-esteem.Items Needed: buy avodart online avodart online no prescription Paper, markers or ink...
Name Toss
MAIN POINT: A great get-to-know-you game.Small Group game. Have your group sit in a circle with no open spots...
Sentence Game
MAIN POINT: It really shows that everyone thinks differently and uniquely.Great game for Jr. Highers, travel, or creative kids....
One-Footed, Blindfolded, Peanut Butter…
MAIN POINT: This was specifically designed for a class on encouragement.You gotta try this game out!One volunteer hops around...
Fall Of Faith
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.A youth ministry classic. Get a person to stand...
River Crossing
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.The goal of this game is to help teach...
Blindfolded Obstacle Course
MAIN POINT: Team building; a good game for a leadership event.Create an obstacle course (a playground works GREAT) and...
Trust Circle
MAIN POINT: To hold up the person in the middle and keep him safe from falling.If you have lots...
Trust Lift
MAIN POINT: TrustMore of a learning exercise than a game, the object of the game is for a small...
Grocery Bag Yoga
MAIN POINT: This could tie into a discussion using the point, "Don't bite off more than you can chew...
Guess the Task
MAIN POINT: Either peer pressure or leadership and influence.Everyone gets in a big circle. Pick a volunteer to leave...
Getting to Know You
MAIN POINT: Great for getting a new group of students to know each other's names.(You need a wide blanket...
Human Snowball
MAIN POINT: The snowball effect of bad choices.Shred a bunch of paper and spread it on the floor in...
Play Doh Pictionary
MAIN POINT: You can use words from your topic or lesson to introduce the subject.Just like it sounds! Pictionary,...
Yelling Match
MAIN POINT: Listening through the "loud" messages all around you.Group is divided into two equal teams. Each team sits...
Cake Head
MAIN POINT: This can also be used as an illustration for a talk about faith and deeds. Without Christ...
Guess the Leader
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy bactroban with best prices today in the USA Either peer pressure or leadership and...
Land Mines
MAIN POINT: Just like we need to listen to God's voice instead of all the voices that the world...
Who Is It?
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGood small group game. The object is to get individuals to share unknown things...
Two Truths and A Lie
MAIN POINT: Getting to know you.The object of this small group game is to reveal unknown things about yourself...
Hot Seat – Discussion Wrap-Up
MAIN POINT: Helps students retain the information they just learned.Have everyone sit in a big circle with one person...
Human Knots
MAIN POINt: online pharmacy flagyl online with best prices today in the USA It's a group effort and...
Invention Convention
MAIN POINT: God can make something out of the junk in your life. It may look a little funny,...
Gossip Tellers (aka Telephone)
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String Toss Game
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGet a spool of string or yarn. Have each person answer a question of...
Gag a Napkin
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Brother and Sister
MAIN POINT: Just because you're related to someone doesn't mean you know them. Relationships take effort no matter if...
King Bo-Bo
MAIN POINT: Things aren't always what they seem!For this up-front game, you need a "King", 3 volunteers, a blindfold,...
Board Lift
MAIN POINT: Trust and/or Things aren't always what they seem.For this up-front game, you need a blindfold and a...
Lengths of String Mixer
MAIN POINT: Discussion starter. Once matched, you can ask a pre-typed question for the partners to discuss.You will need...
Communist Church
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy no prescription It also is a great set up for a discussion starter.This...
Back to Back
MAIN POINT: This is a great game for showing students what teamwork can do. It would be nearly impossible...
Mute Organization
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Organized Mingling Mixer
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGet an even amount of students and staff in the room. You can add...
The Big Squeeze
MAIN POINT: Teamwork, cooperationEasy game for a big group (minimum 20). Quickly divide into 2-4 teams (more people, more...