Preparation: Before your meeting print out a bunch of silly internet photos and/or funny pictures of your students/leaders. Baby pics, old pics, embarrassing pics are all great - just make sure that they are appropriate. Make multiple copies of your best pics so you get several memes to choose from at the end. Have a bunch of sharpie markers as well based on the...
Meme me up Scotty
Preparation: Before your meeting print out a bunch of silly internet photos and/or funny pictures of your students/leaders. Baby...
Who Said That
This game is best played as a team game. Divide your audience before moving on (i.e. boys vs girls,...
Truth or Poop
Divide your group into 2 teams. The easiest way is boys vs girls. Then, have 1 contestant come up...
Superhero Trivia
With all the superhero movies coming out this is a fun trivia game. If you have media capabilities use...
Time Check
A youth leader walks in with a big ole pizza (or some other sweet prize) and announces that this...
Telephone Pictionary
Preparation: Pens and lots of paper!The only thing you need for this game is a pen and a half...
Large Group Dance
This is simple to play and only needs an announcer and some music (though the music is optional). Get...
How’s Yours?
This is a really fun game that is also very, very simple to play. You need zero supplies or...
It’s a Numbers Thing
This is a great game for the entire audience. Even though it’s a competition between the boys and girls...
Gender Genius Challenge
Break out the boxing gloves…this cool game will definitely get your group fired up! It’s called Gender Genius Challenge...
Sneaky TEXT Message Game
One of the BEST ways to communicate to kids today is by using the TEXT feature on your cell...
What’s That on Your 4 Head?
This game makes a great audience game for those times when you need to keep your crowd together. It...
Famous Quote Unscramble Challenge
Preparation: You are going to need to print out words found in the quotes below. Make sure you print...
This game is a variation of the old faithful "Hot/Cold" game. One person is chosen to be "it" and...
Guess Who?
Contact all your students’ parents and have them send in a photo of their child as a toddler. This...
MAIN POINT: This game starts as a good intro to a discussion about hearing/recognizing God's voice when He speaks.Preparation:...
Money Grab
This is a great upfront/audience game that gets everyone involved but without complete chaos!Buy play money or print off...
Christmas Poem Mad Lib
Read portions of the poem, “’Twas The Night Before Christmas” like a Mad Lib. Ask your audience for words...
Top Monkey
A silly game - Simon Says meets Paper, Rock, Scissors.STEP #1: One person is the Top Monkey (they make...
Who wants to be a Chocolataire?
This game is the same as Who Wants to be a Millionaire, but with different size Chocolate for prizes.You'll...
Movie Game
Have someone give a line from a popular movie. The first person to say the movie title the line...
Name That Clip
Play 2 seconds of a movie clip and have students guess what movie it is from. Have several videos...
Name That Tune (aka Top 40 Mixer)
Play 2-4 seconds of a song and have students guess what song it is. Have your playlist ready to cue!Optional:...
Rain Maker
MAIN POINT(S): Things aren't always what they seem (see related trivia below). Gets their attention before you speak.This game...
Foot Signing Contest
Crowd Game: Have 5 students come to the front of the room and remove their shoes and socks. Give...
Song Making
Split the room up into groups and give each group five words on a card. They need to make...
Marshmallow Pass
Divide the room in half and give each kid in the room toothpicks. Split into teams and then race....
Musical Baby Food
Have your group sit in a circle. If you have a small group, you only need 1 can of...
Row Organizer (aka LINEUP GAME)
Just tell the crowd that each individual row is a team (make sure all rows have at least 7...
Tape Head
I Need a Shoelace with a twist; can be played with small or huge groups. The up-front person divides...
People Scavenger Hunt
Good game for a crowd or audience. Divide the crowd into three or four teams, each section with a...
Musical Food
This is an Audience or Small Group game. Put pieces of dried fruit, jerky, tomato, potato, red onion, etc....
Play Doh Pictionary
MAIN POINT: You can use words from your topic or lesson to introduce the subject.Just like it sounds! Pictionary,...
Saran Wrap Body Pass
Get 4 staff members from the crowd (as many staff as you have sections of the crowd). Have each...
Sit Down If
Ask the entire group to stand. Tell them to sit down when the statement characterizes them. Once seated, they...
Song Endurance
This game is very simple and can be played with two or more teams. Can do guys against girls....
Last Straw
Much like "Toothpicks and Lifesavers." Give everyone a straw to put in their mouth. In rows or pews have...
Mattress Pass
Have two mattresses in the back of the room - one on each side of the crowd. Get a...
Move Right If
Just like it sounds. Tell the people in the crowd to "move right if . . ." (e.g. they...
I Need a Shoelace
This game can be played with small or huge groups. The up-front person divides teams (in audiences of rallies...
Superball Pass
This is a great game to be done in a sanctuary with pews. Divide the crowd in half. Have...
Taboo on an Easel
This is like the board game Taboo, but on an easel and a lot easier. Divide your audience into...
Baby Food: Hot Potato with a Twist
You could play this game with your audience, or play this game just like hot potato, with everyone sitting...
Who Wants to Be a Bible Millionaire?
This game is a near clone of the T.V. show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" with a few...
Sock Wars
Use tape on the floor to design an "arena" and have all contestants take off shoes but leave socks...
Big Balloon Bop
Go to your local art or party supply store and buy several of the biggest balloons they carry. (16"...
Butt Charades
Cut up slips of paper with words on them and put them into a bag. Break up your audience...