4 players compete against 4 other players. The game is played in a rectangular in-ground pool. Each team consists of a skipper (1), a midfielder (2), and two defenders/rebounders (3-4). The game is played with a volleyball-sized kid's play ball. The first team to 11 points wins the game.Play begins with a coin toss to determine who will skip...
Everyone stands in a circle holding hands. One person has the large Hula Hoop looped over one arm. The goal is to get the Hula Hoop all the way around the circle without "breaking the circle". This means the Hula Hoop has to fit over the players’ bodies.If you have enough players break into 2 or more teams and...
Pick 2 or 3 groups of 2 students each (4-6 kids total). Have them come up front and pair off. Hand each team a piece of bologna and make the partners stand 8 feet apart.The first person tosses the bologna to his/her teammate. They must catch it, take a bite from it, and then toss it back to their...
This game can be played with 3 or more people, preferably outside or in a big space. One person is chosen to be "it". “It” chooses a category such as flowers, cars, animals, etc. and then goes out of earshot. The remaining players decide “what” they are for that category. (For example, if the category is flowers, then one...
MAIN POINT: This game takes its name from Matthew 15:14 and is a visual/physical presentation of how following "the blind" can lead to destruction.This game has three levels and works well for smaller groups rather than really large groups. It also helps a lot if the game can be played in an area like an office space with hallways,...
Get everyone sat in a circle. Choose a “detective” to go out of the room. Amongst everyone remaining choose a “murderer.” Call the detective back in and get them to stand in the middle of the circle. The murderer then has to wink at people in the circle, without the detective noticing. When the “victims” are winked at, they...
Preparation: Sheets of butcher paper and pens/markers.Divide students into groups of three. Give each group a large sheet of butcher paper and a different color marker for each person. Have them draw a Venn diagram with a circle for each student.The students in each group are to discuss what their similarities and differences are. After the discussion, they fill...