Youth Ministry Help

The Best of 2019


The Top Resources YOU Liked This Year
Jonathan McKee

As you look back at 2019, here’s the free resources and articles you won’t want to have missed from The Source for Youth Ministry AND The Source for Parents .com

I’m going to show you the “greatest hits” from three popular categories that youth leaders really seemed to resonate with: our free Music Discussions (because they not only provide discussions of current songs, but also small group questions, scripture and basically everything you need for youth group night… for free!), Youth Ministry Help articles (real help for real world youth ministry issues), and Parenting articles (simply because youth workers are constantly looking for quality help and advice they can give their students’ parents).

Here’s the top resources you liked this year:

TOP 5 MUSIC DISCUSSIONS: Current music discussions with scripture & small group questions

5.  I Don’t Care—Ed Sheeran/Justin Bieber

4.  Me—Taylor Swift Featuring Brendon Urie

3.  7 Rings—Ariana Grande

2.  Even If—MercyMe

1.  God Only Knows—for KING & COUNTRY

TOP 5 YOUTH MINISTRY HELP ARTICLES: Real help for real world youth ministry issues

5.  Four Ways to Build the Self Esteem of “Generation-Screen”: In a World Where Teen Self-Esteem is at a Historic Low

4.  Helping Parents Prevent Porn: Three Helpful Resources You Can Give Parents Helping Them Engage Their Kids in Meaningful Conversations about Evading Porn

3.  Tray of Fat: When We Choose Pleasure Over Truth

2.  Are Committed Christian Guys an Endangered Species: How Can We Proactively Help Today’s Unmotivated, Undisciplined, and Eventually Unemployed Young Males?

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1.  Oh and I’m Bisexual: And How Do You Respond To That?

TOP 5 PARENTING HELP ARTICLES: Quality help you can put in the hands of your students’ parents

5.  The Unforeseen Problem with Insta-Followers: Why Pedophiles and Sex Traffickers Are Loving Social Media

4.  Helping Kids Hear Truth in a World Blaring Lies: 3 Proactive Practices Parents Can Pursue

3.  Just One Thing Your Kids Need to Know about Weed: How to Respond to a Generation That Thinks Marijuana Is “No Big Deal”

2.  Sensible (Bare Minimum) Screen-Limits: Reasonable Rules that Won’t Wreck the Relationship

1.  But Mom, I Really Need My Phone in My Bedroom: The Link Between Screens, Sleep Loss and Depression…and What Mom and Dad Can Actually Do About It


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.

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