Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Tell students ahead of time to bring a beach towel from home for this game. Provide a few extras for those who don't have one or forget.Split students into teams of four, giving them each a beach towel. Set them a predetermined length apart and have two from each team launch a water balloon with the beach towel. The...
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A great travel or small group game. Stand or sit in a circle. Go around the room assigning the name of a person, place or thing to each person. The first person in the group begins to tell a story that they make up. Within 10 seconds that person must mention the person, place or thing assigned to them....
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MAIN POINT: Getting to know you.The object of this small group game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group in a fun atmosphere.A person states three things about himself. Two must be true and one a lie. For example: "I was born in South Africa. I have a green card. I have a dog named Bubba."The...
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All the players pair off, lock hands, and try to tap the top of one of their partner’s feet with their own feet. In other words, one player tries to step on the other player’s foot while their hands are clasped. Of course, since players are also trying to avoid having their feet stepped on, they are all hopping...
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MAIN POINT: To hold up the person in the middle and keep him safe from falling.If you have lots of students, make groups of about 15. One player is chosen to be "it" first. A tight circle of players is formed, alternating physically strong and weak people. The person chosen to be "it" goes into the middle of the...
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This game can be played as an upfront game for big groups, or an all-play for smaller groups.Throw about 50 goldfish into a kiddie or regular pool (If indoors, put plastic down and have towels available).Whoever catches the most fish with their bare hands wins! For added fun, add some other bigger fish or try it in the dark!...
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