All you need are two hula hoops and four students wearing shoes. Place the hula hoops 40-50 feet away from each other. Teammates stand facing each other in opposing hula hoop “pits” so that half the team throws from one hoop and half throws from the other. Each player pitches both shoes followed by the opponent's two shoes. In...
Before the game starts, choose a leader or student to be the “caller”. After you have chosen the caller, have all the players line up at the diving board or outside the pool. The "caller" will then think of a category e.g. colors, animals, Disney movies, ice cream flavors, etc. Once the caller is ready one person will jump...
Split your group and make everyone get with a partner. Give one person in each group an uncooked spaghetti noodle and the other person a cup of cheerios. On “go” the person with the cup of Cheerios will cheerios in his/her mouth, and then without using their hands try to position them on the spaghetti noodle. The person with...
Preparation: For this game, you will need to come up with a list of different activities that the "wild card chair" will do. You will also need a chair for each player.This game is played like the classic Musical Chairs with one exception. Rather than removing a chair each round, all chairs will remain in play. Designate a particular...
A youth leader walks in with a big ole pizza (or some other sweet prize) and announces that this game is a “Boys vs. Girls Challenge”. The winning team will get the goods. The leader will announce a historical event and students must correctly identify the year in which that event took place. The first person to run up...
One person stands outside of the pool, with their back towards the water. Everyone else stands along that same edge of the pool (in the water) and thinks of a color. When everyone is ready the person standing outside of the pool shouts out different colors. When your color is called you have to swim across the pool. When...
Preparation: Nametags and SharpiesGive each student a name tag and have them write their first and last name in large bold letters on the nametag. After everyone is done, collect all the name tags.Make sure the student does not see the name and stick a nametag on each person’s forehead. Instruct the students NOT to speak about who’s name...