Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

This is a great game for the start of a pool party. It works a lot like an up-front game with a large group, or everyone can play if it is a smaller group.My friend and I started this game one day when we had our clothes on over our bathing suits and went in the pool. We have...
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Everyone sits in a circle. Put different strips of paper with different things to do in a Christmas stocking (if it isn't Christmastime, you can use any kind of bag or container). Play music while the stocking is passed around the circle. When the music stops the person with the stocking has to do what he/she picked. You can...
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Remember cutting out "snowflakes" from folded paper in kindergarten? Well this challenge takes on that same idea only using a piece of bologna instead of paper and using only your teeth instead of scissors!During the holiday season, we introduced this challenge to our midweek crowd. We invite 4 "artists" to come up front. We are a smaller group (15-20...
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A small group of kids stand in the shallow end of the pool and each player is given 1 bottle of water. They then have to take off the cap and stick the top of the bottle in their mouths. When you say GO, they go underwater and try to drink the whole bottle of water. The first person to...
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Materials:Bible trivia questions2-4 twister matsBibles to look up tough questionsInstructions: Divide the room into a boys' side and the girls' side. Each team has one or two twister mats (depending on the group size). Have each side pick three players for each twister mat. Get the players in position by spinning the twister board four times (right foot red,...
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Choose contestants that you know will really "ham it up" on stage. Find some music that has a lot of guitar solos. Tell the contestants each will be judged (by the audience's applause) on how well each can play the "air guitar". Send each contestant in one at a time, so that "ideas" won't be stolen! It is hilarious...
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