MAIN POINT: Team building!This is a silly outdoor or indoor retreat, camp, or group game. You need several (10-20) cardboard boxes (med-large), blindfolds, buckets, and water.Blindfold a group of 8-10 people. Place them among the boxes and tell they have 2 minutes to form a wall around themselves using the boxes. The wall doesn’t have to be higher than...
Divide into as many teams of 5-10 as you want. Explain that this is a geometry test. Play hyped music in the background. All teams begin in a circle. When you yell out a shape, they must arrange themselves into it as quickly as possible.Suggestions: straight line, square, rectangle, triangle, cone, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, cube, trapezoid.The Point: Teamwork, goals,...
For a large group, this can be played as an upfront game, and with a smaller group everyone can play.Only play the game on carpet! Give each 2-person team a blanket, folded in thirds, lengthwise. One person lays down on one end and rolls tightly in the blanket. Another person grabs the free end and pulls sharply to unroll...
Blindfold several students. Strategically place several other students around the room. These students (except the contestant) are given a blown-up balloon w/a point value written in permanent marker. Play hyped music in the background.On “Go!” contestants try to bump into the strategically placed students. When they bump into one, they take the balloon (which that student holds out in...
MAIN POINT: You can use this game as a kickstarter for a discussion about friends leading you down the wrong path or finding God's will.Choose two competitors. One is taken out of the room. The other has 1-3 minutes (depending on the size of your group) to arrange a maze, using all the people in the room. The maze...
Big Room Games, Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games, Sick And Twisted Games, Up-Front Games
Jello Belly Flop
In the winter, have a belly flop contest in a baby pool full of Jello. Lay a tarp over a big old mattress under the baby pool. You can have your whole group do it if it is a small group, or make this an up-front game with a few volunteers.Idea by Young LifeAlso, see Jello Twister buy minocin...
Get 2 carpet roll tubes (12-foot cardboard tubes). You can get them from any carpet company or store. You also need a big cage ball (earth ball or Omnikin ball-72").*If you don't have one, here are some sites that sell them. I haven't used these companies before so purchase at your own risk.For Shape Up Click Here. Once...