Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

In most hardware stores you can buy the pink plunger part separate from the stick. So get two plunger ends for every stick. Put one plunger end at each end of the stick. Tie a tennis ball by about 2 feet of string to the middle of the stick.Pull up either 4 or six students, in order to make...
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This game can be a relay, but I personally think relays just take too much time and leave kids standing there bored . . . so I usually do this as an up-front game for everyone to watch a couple of people do.Tape two lines on the floor about 15 feet apart. Have ready two pair of pantyhose and...
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This gross game is played up front with several people while the crowd watches. Get tubes of toothpaste, little dixie cups, chairs, and blindfolds. Form teams of two. One person stands on the chairs while the other one lays on the ground (or a table if you want the audience to see better) with their heads near the back...
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Divide your group into two or three teams. Give a large block of ice to each group. The team has to melt the ice any way they can (i.e. crushing, breaking, friction, body heat, etc.).If possible, weigh before and after to determine a winner. Prepare for water. For a fun variation, use a t-shirt from your ministry. Fold it...
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