Prepare some oatmeal, warmed, not too hot. Buy two packages of pantyhose and cut them in half so you have four individual legs.Ask the crowd who’s hungry. Bring up 3 or 4 volunteers and inform them that they’ll be able to eat something in a moment . . . but first, they have to put on their “eating apparel.”...
3 or 4 students each have a pan with chocolate pudding or Reddi Whip and 15 gummy worms mixed in. Have them go face first into the chocolate pudding and pick the gummy worms out with their teeth and drop them on a plate. First one to get all 15 or the person who gets the most in a...
This game can be played as an upfront game for big groups, or an all-play for smaller groups.Throw about 50 goldfish into a kiddie or regular pool (If indoors, put plastic down and have towels available).Whoever catches the most fish with their bare hands wins! For added fun, add some other bigger fish or try it in the dark!...
Divide your group into two or three teams. Give a large block of ice to each group. The team has to melt the ice any way they can (i.e. crushing, breaking, friction, body heat, etc.).If possible, weigh before and after to determine a winner. Prepare for water. For a fun variation, use a t-shirt from your ministry. Fold it...
Supplies Needed:As many boxes of 100 ft. plastic wrap as you plan teams forMasking tape (for finishing line)TrashcanStop-watch (optional)Preparation: Beforehand, use tape to designate the start and finish lines. Pick 4-10 students (depending on the amount of space available) and put them in teams of two.Assign one player from each team to wrap and one to be wrapped. When...
This game can be played as an all-play in small groups, or as an upfront game with larger groups.Long John Stuff requires several bags of deflated balloons, thermal underwear for each person you bring up front or for each team if you make it an all-play, and teams of 6. The number of teams depends on the number of...
This can be a relay, but I play it as an up-front game involving 6-8 people. Great game for a guys against girls night.Put together 2 bags of miscellaneous food items. They must have the same amount of items in each bag. Some items could be: a package of unsweetened Kool-Aid, a candy bar, soda, a can of sardines,...