Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Give everyone a number. They have to arrange themselves in numerical order by communicating with each other without speaking or holding up fingers. They make up their own sub-language or sign-language and it often is pretty amusing. For Round Two, have people arrange themselves in order of birth or in calendar months (like the game, Mute Organization).Added by Youth...
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MAIN POINT: This is a great game for showing students what teamwork can do. It would be nearly impossible to accomplish this by oneself.This is the game where you start out with two people sitting back to back and they have to stand straight up without using their hands. Add one person every time they stand up successfully. Our...
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MAIN POINT: CommunicationSimply announce that you want everyone lined up across the room by birth date. The only catch: no talking. Once they are all lined up, ask certain people their birthdays just to be sure.You can have them do the same thing, but by shoe size, height, etc.Also see Communication Challenge (Click Here), Inversion (Click Here), and Numbers...
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MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGet an even amount of students and staff in the room. You can add staff as needed to make the number even.Students and staff mingle to music and shake hands. When the music stops, everyone must find another person and shake hands. The leader calls out a question they must ask of whomever they...
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Usually played outdoors or in a big room, but could be played in a smaller facility with smaller groups.Imagine everyone in a circle holding hands, pulling and tugging, but not letting go . . . trying to get someone else to bump into the can-can. The result looks like an amoeba trying to force one part of it's body...
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