Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Have two people come up and face each other about 2-3 feet apart. Their feet should be even (side by side, not in front of one another) and their hands are raised, touching each other's palms (like they are playing "Patty-cake"). The object is to make the other person fall, forward or backward by pushing or releasing pressure to...
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Explain the game before you bring students out to the car. You could have a competition between sexes or classes. Each team has thirty seconds to get as many as possible into (not on) a small car.Also, see Car Restoration – ‘Restore My Ride’ on the Events page.
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Same as Find Someone Who (Click Here) but the "Find Someone Who's" are organized in Bingo rows on a piece of paper (a Find Someone Who Bingo Card). First one to get 5 across, down or diagonal wins.Variation: use Christmas-related items such as 'wearing green' or 'going on vacation for Christmas' in each of the boxes.
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Hold up a dollar and offer it to anyone who can perform a simple task. Bring the sucker - I mean, "volunteer" up front and tell them that the dollar is theirs if they can simply jump over it the way you designate. Lay the dollar on the ground. Have the person stand with their toes to the dollar....
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Buy between 2 and 4 bags of those little plastic insects and scatter them around the room. Call students ahead of time and tell them to bring a flash light, (or team up with those who have one). Turn out the lights and have them try to find the bugs. This game could be called "Animal Safari" if you...
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Get one of those little toddler games that looks like a ball with shapes cut into the side of it. Have one student sit opposite another. One gets the ball, the other gets a Super Soaker. The object is for the one with the ball to get all of the shapes into the ball before time us up. If...
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Have everyone take off one of their shoes and throw them into a big pile. You might even designate someone as the "Shoe Salad Tosser," instructing them to mess up the pile so that people can't remember where certain shoes landed in the pile. Then everyone needs to pick out a shoe from the pile and proceed to find...
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