Browsing Category:Outdoor Games

Get 30 cut-up pieces of paper. Have 10 blank and on the other 20 put different types of “Mess” (examples: Pie in the face, Syrup on the head, etc.). Be prepared for a big mess by telling kids to wear old clothes, and be ready to hose them off after.Put the papers in a bucket. Pass the bucket around...
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You need a water balloon launcher for this game. Two are better but teams can share.Divide your group into two teams. Each team needs to designate 3 people to launch their balloons. The rest of the team goes 20-70 yds. away holding on to a large bed sheet. Members of the team around the sheet must have both hands...
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Outdoor or Indoor game. Play this childhood favorite just like Duck-Duck-Goose. Only, instead of just touching someone's head and saying "goose," you’ll crack an egg on their head. Gross, but good for the hair!NOTE: Either forewarn your students to wear grubby clothes, provide wet washcloths and/or towels, or have garbage bags with holes to pull over their heads.Added by...
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For this game, you’ll need marshmallow blowguns made from 1-foot sections of 1-inch diameter PVC pipe (buy big lengths of it at a hardware store, not the small ones you can buy at carnivals and festivals), and plenty of s'more-sized marshmallows. You can do this game as an upfront competition or a game outside with everyone.Load the marshmallow into...
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This game is pretty much like “Duck, Duck, Goose,” only better!!Rent a huge earth ball with a 1.5m diameter. Have your group divide into circles, have an outside circle and have a little circle on the inside of the outer circle. Place the earth ball between the 2 circles. Get the group to roll the ball in a clockwise...
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MAIN POINT: Gets kids to solidify what they've learned concerning the salvation message.This game works well if all of your kids are regular attendees. If not, don't use this game. Visitors or students new to church may feel out of place.Bible Smugglers works best outdoors, like at a camp. However, it can also work in a large facility.Materials: plastic spoons...
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