MAIN POINT: It’s hard to focus on what matters when we surround ourselves with distractions.Loud, fast, funny game w/a point! Choose 4 volunteers from 4 different grades. Bring them up one at a time to ask 14 questions (see below). Whichever contestant can answer 10 of them in 90 seconds wins (candy, pop, $1-5). They may “pass” as many...
This game is the same as Who Wants to be a Millionaire, but with different size Chocolate for prizes.You'll need to come up with your own questions but if you need help on how the game is structured see Who Wants to be a Bible Millionaire? on our Upfront Games page.Added by Nick Booth
This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Set up as a simple Twinkie eating contest, where the 1st person to down 3 Twinkies wins. However, some special preparation is needed well in advance. You'll need enough Twinkies for each volunteer to have three, not knowing that their 3rd Twinkie is rigged....
Pick 4 or 5 people to stand in front of the group. The group decides the title of the story those 4 or 5 are going to tell.One leader is in charge of selecting who is going to talk and will keep changing/selecting a new storyteller throughout the game.When a new person is pointed at they must pick up...
For this game, you’ll need marshmallow blowguns made from 1-foot sections of 1-inch diameter PVC pipe (buy big lengths of it at a hardware store, not the small ones you can buy at carnivals and festivals), and plenty of s'more-sized marshmallows. You can do this game as an upfront competition or a game outside with everyone.Load the marshmallow into...
Put Oreos open-faced on separate sheets of plexiglass. Choose 2-4 kids (as many as you have pieces of plexiglass for) and blindfold them. They must race to smash their face up against the glass and lick off the Oreos.A few helpful notes: Have extra open-faced Oreos ready for when they knock them off. It helps to have the plexiglass...
2-4 students race to see who’s the best at milking rubber gloves. Dangle the gloves from the undersides of saw horses, to give the effect of milking a cow. Make very small pin holes in the tips of the fingers of the gloves. Have a measuring cup to see who wins and a container for each to milk into....