Browsing Category:Sick And Twisted Games

Split your group into several teams. Give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup, or for a less messy option, a box of Alphabits cereal. Each team must sift through the goo to spell words or make numbers.You can give points a number of ways:- words of three letters- words of four letters- words with...
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This game is played up front with 3 or 4 people while the crowd watches. Give them each a certain number of Jelly Bellies; they're smaller than normal jelly beans (Good and Plenty's or Skittles work as well).Place a bucket a good 5 feet away from each contestant. Contestants shoot the Jelly Belly candies (or Cheerios) from their NOSE...
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Prepare beforehand by spreading out plastic on your stage area. Find a place where everyone can see someone laying down.Get several pairs of students to come up front. Have one partner lay down on the plastic and the other around the edge of the plastic. Have the "dropper" stand over the head of the partner with a small cup...
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Also called "What Goes Around Comes Around"Great for wacky game nights or lock-ins. This game requires shaving cream, a spoon, female hair products (bows, clips, hairspray), and chairs to sit in.Start with the girls sitting. Assign a boy with hair to each girl. Have the boys "shave" the girl's face with shaving cream and a spoon in under 1...
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