You need spoons or forks for everyone participating, something gross to eat (baby food, Vienna sausages in a can or something that can be easily passed, yet not gladly eaten).The concept is the same as Hot Potato. When the high energy music starts you pass your object. When the music stops the person(s) with the object(s) must take a...
Have everybody get in the pool and line up single file along the edge with very little space between them. Have everyone walk for a couple of minutes, then jog another couple of minutes, then "run" around the edge another couple of minutes.If done right the water will "carry" them around the pool. Finally, tell them to turn around...
This is Slip-n-Slide on a Sand Dune!I live in a remote town in northwest Australia, where it is very flat, except for the sand dunes at the beach. This led me to an idea for an awesome waterslide - a nice long piece of black plastic, some cheap bulk detergent and lots of water! This was most successful when...
This game can be played in any size room. Choose an assistant, preferably a leader, to come up front. The assistant will turn his or her back from the group or put on a blindfold. Then explain that the entire group must choose to stand in one of the four corners of the room which are numbered from 1...
Bring 3 willing girls up front. Once there, split the rest of your group into teams. Give each team four rolls of toilet paper. The object of this game is to dress up these volunteers in a full wedding gown including veil, train, bouquet, etc., all using toilet paper. Then have them model their new wedding gowns around up...
Outdoor or Indoor. More Fear Factor! Have good prizes to motivate the contestants - they'll need it! (We used gift cards from popular restaurants, hang-out spots, and movie theaters.)Set up approx. 10 stations of the contest in increasing stages of scariness or grossness.Suggestions:Free Fall: Contestant stands on a raised platform and falls backward into arms of catchers. (eeeaasssy)The proof...
Great Small Group game.Form a circle of chairs. Girls sit on chairs; guys stand behind girls’ chairs. One guy stands behind a vacant chair.Rules: Guys stand with hands behind their backs. Girls sit upright on the chairs.The guy with the empty chair has to wink at a girl to invite her to his chair. She must try to move...