Get 4 students to come to the front of the room. On a table, for each person, have an oversized shirt, 2 oven mitts and a jar full of hard chewing gum (the harder the better, takes more time). Each member is to run from a certain spot up to the table, put on the oversized shirt, then the...
Provide 12 film canisters (or similar small containers) for as many students as you have playing. Fill film canisters with different smells. Try 12 different smells (12 teams of 4-5 students), and 5 canisters of each scent (one for each team member).Apply scents on cotton balls. For example, tuna oil, sauerkraut, vinegar, limburger cheese - the smellier, the better.On...
This is an indoor game for 2 or more players.The object of the game: Get your toilet paper to roll over the feather that is sticking out of the ground 12 feet away. (If indoors, simply tape the feather so that it will stand up on a small piece of thin cardboard.)The first player must toss the toilet paper...
Supplies: 3 tables, 2 buckets, 1 bouncy small ball, lots of studentsPlay like basketball. Set up 3 tables on their sides, like an enclosed triangle. Set bucket in the middle. Place teams on separate sides of the triangle-basketball court. The object is to get the ball in the bucket. If it goes inside the table area, it’s automatically the...
A silly game - Simon Says meets Paper, Rock, Scissors.STEP #1: One person is the Top Monkey (they make a motion scratching both armpits like a monkey and encourage the crowd to do the same) and they stand in front of the crowd and explain that they are Top Monkey and that all the animals in the jungle want...
Get 5 small to medium sized inner tubes. One of them serves as the middle ring. Tie 4 ropes (ropes should be 8 to 10 ft. in length) to this middle tube (you have to have your tubes tied for this game!) Tie the other ends of the ropes to the other 4 tubes - one rope to each...
Get 2 carpet roll tubes (12-foot cardboard tubes). You can get them from any carpet company or store. You also need a big cage ball (earth ball or Omnikin ball-72").*If you don't have one, here are some sites that sell them. I haven't used these companies before so purchase at your own risk.For Shape Up Click Here. Once...