You can play this game like Dodge Ball or have wars using boxes as forts. Get a bunch of pool water balls (the kind that are super absorbent or use water balloons. Water balls save time and can be used over. Fill buckets with water and give each team a bunch of balls or one ball each. Keep them...
We LOVE this game! You can have students improvise the scenes on the spot for an upfront/audience game or you can give them more time to plan/act. If you choose the later, we divide our students up into groups no larger than 10 students. We have preselected several Bible scenes or verses and each group has to come up...
Here is a great game that we did, and it is perfect for students going back to school. Before the game remind students about how their Mamas used to pack their lunchs for them and they would never know what they would get until they opened the bag at lunch time. Then tell them that you have packed some...
Two or more people each rip open a small box of jello powder mix and shoot it down their throats dry. Whoever finishes and swallows all of his/her jello the quickest wins.Added by Steve HurstAlso, see Jello Slurp and Spit (Click Here).
Items Needed:4 buckets (two filled with water, two empty)4 plastic cups, each with 3 holes punched in the side.How to Play:Form 2 teams of equal numbers. Have a starting line (where the filled buckets are) and a finish line (where the empty buckets are). Team members, taking turns, race to fill their empty bucket by filling their cup and...
Similar to musical chairs, students pair up with another student back-to-back while locking arms when the music stops. To make it a little more difficult and to avoid cliques, tell the students they cannot pair up with the same student two consecutive times. They must switch it up.When there is an even number of students, place a chair in...
I got this game from someone else so don't give me the credit. You partner up your students. They face each other and hold their hands in the "second phase" of a handshake, where they are basically holding each other's thumbs. They each stick out their index finger from the hands they are holding. Their feet have to stay...