Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

This game works best for groups of 10 or more. The larger your group, the bigger space you need. Here’s how you play the game.Split the group into even numbered teams and have the teams line up single file, holding the shoulders of the person in front of them. (You can have two teams, three teams, four….) Now, each...
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If you are looking for an easy way to get new students connected during the Christmas season, here is a great mixer that you can use.To start, put your students in groups of 2-3 each and give them a list of questions that relate to the Christmas season. (A sample list is provided below.)Make sure that everyone in the...
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This is a fantastic way to help strengthen the relationships between the teenagers and the adult leaders that serve in your youth ministry. Here’s what you do.Divide the kids into teams of 4-5 (based on how many kids you have, and how many adult leaders you have). Have each group of students write a song of at least 15...
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This game is great because it allows everyone to participate to whatever degree they want to while providing tons of laughs in the process. Here’s what you do.Divide your group up into teams (say, 5 kids per team) if your group is about 25 big all together. Give each team the title of a movie to work with, or...
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This is a really fun game that allows everyone in your group to play, but you MUST have a large room to play in.Prior to playing the game, grab a dodge ball (or two, or three) and put down some masking tape in the large room. All you need to do is mark out a large square about the...
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Supplies needed: online pharmacy wellbutrin buy with best prices today in the USA Large bowls (one for each team/group)Lots of Hershey KissesLots of large puff marshmallowsTablesTape on floor 10' from tablesDivide your students into teams of equal number and then put them in a straight line, one in front of the other, with all of them facing a table...
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