(Use a tarp if indoors). Have a staff person wear a plain white T-shirt. Draw a target on the shirt that is big enough to cover the front of the shirt. Divide into 4 teams, each with a different color.Give each team an equal amount of Q-tips regardless of the number of players on each team. Also, give each...
Girls are given rolled up newspapers, and they are lined up into two single-file lines. The two lines are parallel, facing each other with approximately three to four feet between them.The boys tie balloons to their bottoms (by their pant belt loops) and must "run the gauntlet," that is, run between the two lines of girls who try to...
Divide into two teams. Give each team two buckets. Have students run to the first bucket pre-filled with pancake syrup and grab a pair of scissors from the bottom (have only enough scissors for about a third or half the team.Then they run to a designated grassy area where their job is to try and cut as much grass...
Ask the entire group to stand. Tell them to sit down when the statement characterizes them. Once seated, they must remain seated.Encourage them to be honest. If you have trouble because most are not sitting down, give them general characteristics ("Sit down if you are under 15, if you have on white socks, if you are in love," etc.).Sit...
Divide the group up and give each team something that they need to act out for the other groups to guess. Suggestions: poison gas in the room, laughing gas, bad odor in the room, etc. You don't need to make it a contest, but if you want to, have staff member judge which group did the best.
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy bactroban with best prices today in the USA Either peer pressure or leadership and influence.Everyone gets in a big circle. Pick a volunteer to leave the room after you explain the game. Once that volunteer is out of hearing range, pick another volunteer who wants to be the leader. Everyone must slyly watch this...
Musical Chairs with a twist. The guys get on all fours - they are the chairs and the girls play. Remove a guy (just like a chair) each round until finally, two girls fight over one guy!See Musical Paper Plates online pharmacy kamagra-gold with best prices today in the USA (Click Here).