This is either played outdoors in a field or in a gym.One person is designated as "it" and is given a dodgeball. "It" then chases the rest of the group throwing the ball at them. If someone is hit they must sit down where they are hit. Once the ball is thrown, anyone may grab it and become "it."...
Games & Icebreakers, Outdoor Games, Sick And Twisted Games, Up-Front Games
Wrestling In Creamed Corn
Just how it sounds! Get a kiddie pool, fill it with can after can after can of creamed corn...and then have a wrestling match. It is now legendary at our church! You can use this as an up-front game and give the winner a legendary prize.NOTE: If you do this game inside, make sure to lay down a tarp...
This is our youth group's aggressive version of duck duck goose.Parts needed:1 foam noodle cut in half (you'll use both halves).1 5 gallon pickle bucket or trash can.How to play: online pharmacy buy abilify without prescription with best prices today in the USA Have everyone stand in a circle but have them face towards the outside of the...
This game is a combination of hockey, soccer, and football. You will need two teams, two goals marked out, and a ball.The basics of the game: You start the game out with the ball in the middle and one person from each team at the ball or "puck" in the center. On "go" they have to use their hand...
You can play this game like Dodge Ball or have wars using boxes as forts. Get a bunch of pool water balls (the kind that are super absorbent or use water balloons. Water balls save time and can be used over. Fill buckets with water and give each team a bunch of balls or one ball each. Keep them...
Items Needed:4 buckets (two filled with water, two empty)4 plastic cups, each with 3 holes punched in the side.How to Play:Form 2 teams of equal numbers. Have a starting line (where the filled buckets are) and a finish line (where the empty buckets are). Team members, taking turns, race to fill their empty bucket by filling their cup and...
Leaders get ice cream and get on top of the church and with students down at the bottom with cups and bowls the leaders DROP ice cream from the roof along with chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and cherries while the students down below try to catch it and then proceed to eat it. This is an incredible amount of fun....