Browsing Category:Big Room Games

Buy two different colored balloons, 25 to 50 of each for two teams of players. Choose colors according to the closest holiday or anything relevant (opposing school colors if you're in a small town).Form two teams. Each team must defend its treasure (a pile of balloons) while attempting to steal or destroy the other team's treasure. Use one color...
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For this game you need:cheap sunglasses for eye protectiontwo different colors of 8 x 11 paper, as many sheets as you have students (plus extra, just in case).Divide the room with tape or another similar divider. Give half the group one stack of color paper and the other half the other color. Choose a time limit between 1 and...
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Hot Potatoes meets Tag meets WWF. Set up a circle of chairs of no less than 15 people, 2-4 people standing in the middle. Have 3-4 long socks with tennis balls in the end.Those sitting in the circle toss the sockballs to each other (usually very hard throws) and try to keep those in the middle from catching them...
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Everybody but one person sits in a chair. The chairs are scattered all over the room. The person standing has a set of keys in his hand. With his other hand, he grabs someone's hand. This person gets up and follows the leader who weaves in and out of the chairs in the room. The person who has gotten...
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Give each person a rag about four inches wide and two feet long (sheets torn into strips work well). Each person then ties the rag securely around his knees to make running impossible; players can move only by shuffling their feet.Now divide into teams and play football using a Nerf football. The game becomes hilarious when players must hike,...
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