This is a great event to get your kids working together doing something really fun and competitive. You will need transportation (to a surplus store or dollar store for Christmas decorations) unless your church is really close to one already.Give each team a given time to acquire decorations and decorate their tree. (60 minutes or so ....
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MAIN POINT: This game is a kickstarter for a discussion on money, greed, priorities, friends, or hearing God’s voice. Point out the confusion that may have occurred with all the pairs going at once, crowding around the container, “blinded by money”, trying to hear their partner’s directions.Preparation: 2 pennies per student and a bucket/cup.Divide your group into pairs. Issue each pair...
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Divide into as many teams of 5-10 as you want. Explain that this is a geometry test. Play hyped music in the background. All teams begin in a circle. When you yell out a shape, they must arrange themselves into it as quickly as possible.Suggestions: straight line, square, rectangle, triangle, cone, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, cube, trapezoid.The Point: Teamwork, goals,...
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Small group game. Break up into teams of 3-6. Give each group 5-10 random silly or unusual pictures (photos or from magazines) or project the pictures up on the screen.Each team comes up with a funny caption for each picture. After a designated time, have a representative from each team come up. One by one, hold up or project...
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Small group or travel game. The object is to spell a word of three or more letters. Each person adds a letter. The person who adds a letter that completes a whole word is out. Be very careful to notice any words. Often the second or third person will be out because they are thinking of a longer word...
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MAIN POINT: Team building!This is a silly outdoor or indoor retreat, camp, or group game. You need several (10-20) cardboard boxes (med-large), blindfolds, buckets, and water.Blindfold a group of 8-10 people. Place them among the boxes and tell they have 2 minutes to form a wall around themselves using the boxes. The wall doesn’t have to be higher than...
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Read portions of the poem, “’Twas The Night Before Christmas” like a Mad Lib. Ask your audience for words (parts of speech). Use a grease board to write words on. Have a sharp student come up and read the new “poem”. FYI: You will need – total nouns, - plural nouns, - adjectives, - verbs, and 2 past tense...
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