This can be done with any amount of people, but the more the better. Have them sit in a circle. Everyone must suck their lips in, or to act as if they have no teeth so that when they talk and you can’t see their teeth. Then one person starts and asks their neighbor, "have you seen Mr. Mumbles?"...
This game can be played with groups ranging in size from 20 to 100. You play according to the regular Twister rules and use the spinner that comes with the board game (or you can make one yourself). Go out and buy colored paper plates (red, yellow, blue, and green); six plates of each color makes one regular sized...
This game works best with a larger group (10+ kids), and requires the following:- pool mats or inflatables- various pool toys or nicknacksHave the students divide themselves into two groups. When this is done, designate one of the groups as "Sharks", and the remaining groups as "Pirates". The pirate group claims a "ship" (one of the pool mats/inflatables), and...
This game uses the rubber flexible Frisbees that you can get at Wal-Mart for $2.00 each. It is played on a court, (I use the inside of my fellowship hall).You need to create soccer-like goals. You can use masking tape at both ends of the court to do so. Place two chairs inside the goal so that the chairbacks...
This game works best when students are allowed to team up (around tables, for instance) and compete in groups. Hand out a copy of the "NBA Challenge" given below.NBA Challenge1. Fish hate getting caught in these.2. It doesn't feel good when you do this while shaving.3. This team loves numbers.4. A prehistoric meat-eater.5. Don’t wear red around these guys…6....
You will need 1 box of cereal, 1/2 gallon of milk, a bowl large enough to fit an entire box of cereal and 5 spoons for each team. Put 5 students on one team and 5 different students on another team.Have all ten students come up, grab a spoon, and circle their bowl. Pour the _ gallon of milk... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, April 3, 2007 In This Issue A New Easter Movie Clip Discussion Idea: Check out this new...