Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Bring 3 people up front. Position each of them in front of their own pile of snow gear. Have them take off their shoes. Say, Ready, set...wait!” Have them put on a ski mask and blindfold them, then say, “Go!”. Have them put all the gear on.Provide:a pair of glovesa one-piece snowsuit (you can find them at Goodwill or...
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Before the game, fill a pie tin with whipped cream (the aerosol kind works well) and hide it somewhere close by. Choose someone athletic and perhaps cocky person and tell them that the object of the game is to try to do a sit up while wearing a blindfold while another person tries, at the same time, to pin...
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Tie a 10 foot (or however long) piece of string to a chair or some firm anchor point. Slide 10 Fruit Loops onto the string and tie the remaining loose end to another chair. Pull the string taut. Move all the Fruit Loops to one end. This will make one race course. Have teams of 2 or 5 and...
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Divide into teams of three. Each team selects the lightest person to be the “sandwich.” He/she stands with feet together, arms down at their side. Give each team a roll of Saran Wrap to wrap their “sandwich” from feet to shoulders until the roll is gone. The wrapped sandwich is carried to the end of the room, set on...
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Items needed: sleeping bagsBring 2-3 people up front – if you have a big group (over 75), use a video feed, if possible. If you have a smaller group, make space in the middle or one side of the room and have them go there. Each player must go headfirst into a sleeping bag and crawl like a worm...
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Choose four contestants to come to the front. The 4 people decide who's bravest amongst them. They will make their brave member into a human ice cream sundae! They'll pour ice cream, chocolate syrup, whip cream, and caramel on that person's head.Make sure the ice cream is slightly melted. Can also be done with two teams up-front; whichever team's...
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