Browsing Category:Up-Front Games

Introduce this gross game by saying you want 3 volunteers to test a new product: explain that Starbucks gives you lots of alternative drinks and Jamba Juice uses those cool huge blenders (if your area doesn’t have a Jamba Juice, you can refer to it or a similar store). If you combine these two, it will be a franchise...
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Great game to break out at different times during baseball season (i.e. start of the season, playoffs, World Series, All-Star game, etc.).Pick 3 or 4 contestants and have them stand in front of the room or on stage. One at a time, give them a plastic whiffle bat, (the chunky bats are better). Each swing is either an out...
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This is a great upfront/audience game that gets everyone involved but without complete chaos!Buy play money or print off monopoly money. Print off one page then you can use your church's printer for the rest.Give one bill to every person who comes that night, right when they come in. When you’re ready to play, call some people up to...
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As an upfront game, pre-select two teams of 3 for this. For small groups, everyone can participate.Materials needed: online pharmacy kamagra-oral-jelly buy with best prices today in the USA - Tissue Paper- Tape- Pictures of high fashion models (needless to say, keep 'em appropriate)Divide up into as many groups as you want (at least 3) and give each group...
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Upfront or Small Group. Provide a gift (gag, candy, or nice), toilet paper, tape, ribbons, and/or bows. Bring 3 people upfront or divide the group into pairs. For any major holiday - Christmas, valentine's day, etc., instruct students that they are wrapping a gift.Give each person/team a roll of toilet paper, tape, ribbons and/or a bow. On your signal,...
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