Browsing Category:Sick And Twisted Games

This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Have volunteers put one hand in a pot of live fishing worms in moist dirt, while eating gummy worms from a bowl with the other hand. The first one to eat 10 gummy worms without taking their other hand out of the real worm...
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Have a contest between several students, eating a hanging caramel apple blindfolded. The object is to see who could get done first! For a fun twist, give one of the kids or leaders a caramel ONION instead of an apple!Added by NaomiAlso, see Bobbing for Caramel Apples (Click Here).For a twist in the game, see Caramel Apples on a...
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Just like tug-o-war, but a one-on-one competition with fish. Buy a bunch of dead fish (at least 6 to 8 inches long) from the local fish market and pair people up (use everyone if your group is small, but 5-10 pairs UP FRONT if you have a large group).At "Go!" everyone starts tugging. The first person to let go...
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This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Get several volunteers up front who claim to be hungry. Give them each a can of Spam (ew!). Award a prize to the first person to finish the whole thing. ("Winning" music is a nice touch in the background when you announce the winner;...
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Gross Balloon VolleyballAll you need is a volleyball court or something similar, water balloons, and lots of gross liquids and sauces (except Tobasco).Add things to all of the water balloons like ketchup, mustard, syrup, chocolate syrup, salad dressing, anything you want. The grosser the better. (Fill the gross stuff first - then the water.)The object is to throw the...
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