This is a water game that requires a small field. Divide into even teams of any size and line each team up side by side, arm length apart, about 25 yards from one another on their own Territory Line. (like opposing armies in the Civil War.)Arm each soldier with two water balloons each. Pick one team to go first,...
MAIN POINT: Just like we need to listen to God's voice instead of all the voices that the world throws at us.Materials needed:blindfoldswater balloons for outsidestyrofoam cups for inside.Set up a "minefield" by randomly placing the water balloons (or cups) in a marked section of ground. A concrete slab or basketball court works well for this. Grass also works,...
A fun, outdoor version of whiffle ball. Home plate can be anything, but first base (the only base) is a kid's wading pool filled with water. The player steps up to bat and after they get a hit, they run and jump in the pool.The defense can throw the whiffle ball at the runner to get them out, but...
This game is a blast, though it can take a long time. Be prepared to make it your only game for the night!Have your group sit in a circle with one person, "the psychiatrist", questioning them while standing in the middle (it helps if the person playing the psychiatrist has never played before). They are briefed separately on the...
This can be a relay, but I play it as an up-front game involving 6-8 people. Great game for a guys against girls night.Put together 2 bags of miscellaneous food items. They must have the same amount of items in each bag. Some items could be: a package of unsweetened Kool-Aid, a candy bar, soda, a can of sardines,...
Have two students add one ingredient at a time to a cracker trying to outbid each other to eat the cracker. They can pick up to 10 gross ingredients. "I can eat that cracker with sardines." "I can eat that cracker with sardines and jalapenos…."A great "game show host" can really spice this up along with some fun sound...
This gross game is played up front with a few people while the crowd watches. Make a "Bulls Eye" hole in a large (door size) piece of cardboard or plywood (think refrigerator box). Provide sunglasses for the one who volunteers to stick their head in the "Bulls Eye" to protect their eyes.Have a mixing bowl full of pudding for...