Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

This is an ideal game for regions that experience regular snowfall in the winter. Assuming students are properly dressed; invite them to create a group of 3-5 people. Each group is assigned to create a snow "model" that relates to Christmas. The images can be serious or goofy. For example, there is the classic Christmas tree, North Star, Angel,...
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Depending on the size of your group this can be an all play or an upfront game. (If you have a big group, make it a short up front game...if your group is on the smaller side, the dynamics of this game lend themselves to be an all play.)Pick a letter of the alphabet and a topic, i.e. animals,...
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Supplies needed: Three flat pans (the large disposable roasting pans work well and you can get them cheap at the dollar store), water, and Rice Krispies.Divide your group into AT LEAST two teams. Give each team a pan filled with water, a pan with Rice Krispies and an empty "collection" pan. Set the pan of water and the pan...
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This up-front game pits students against adult leaders to see who has the best impersonation skills. You can choose the students as they walk in and register at your event. For the students who are up for the challenge, have a picture and short bio of the character or celebrity they will be acting out. You need to coordinate...
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Mugger Hugger

Note: This game requires at least one video projector screen viewable by the entire crowd.This is a hands-on get-to-know-you mixer. It is perfect for your first night back from summer or Christmas break when you may have new adult leaders and/or new students.Explain that each adult leader’s face will flash on the screen with their name under/above/beside it. Whenever...
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This is a great game to film for a later advertisement for your Youth Ministry. Let’s face it; every person on Earth likes to hit people with those Nerf-like pool noodles. This game allows your students to take their pent-up Algebra frustrations out on each other in a very funny way.Supplies Needed:You will need cheap goggles, 4-6 noodles, 8-10...
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