Contact all your students’ parents and have them send in a photo of their child as a toddler. This is HUSH HUSH, and their child cannot know the photos are going to be sent in.(When you start showing the pictures it gets the students all freaked out about which photo their parent might have sent in.)With all your photos...
This game is a variation of the old faithful "Hot/Cold" game. One person is chosen to be "it" and asked to leave the room so they can't hear or see what is going on in the room. Take about 1 minute and pick an action as a group for "it" to do when he/she returns. (A Jumping Jack, Pick...
This game works best with a larger group (10+ kids), and requires the following:- pool mats or inflatables- various pool toys or nicknacksHave the students divide themselves into two groups. When this is done, designate one of the groups as "Sharks", and the remaining groups as "Pirates". The pirate group claims a "ship" (one of the pool mats/inflatables), and...
This game can be played with groups ranging in size from 20 to 100. You play according to the regular Twister rules and use the spinner that comes with the board game (or you can make one yourself). Go out and buy colored paper plates (red, yellow, blue, and green); six plates of each color makes one regular sized...
This can be done with any amount of people, but the more the better. Have them sit in a circle. Everyone must suck their lips in, or to act as if they have no teeth so that when they talk and you can’t see their teeth. Then one person starts and asks their neighbor, "have you seen Mr. Mumbles?"...
The Circle of LifeFor this game, all the participants sit in a circle (usually a small group-10 and under). A person starts with a word like "tree," and then the next person says the next word that comes to their mind, such as "wood"-a word that is connected with the previous one. The idea is to go around the...
It really is as simple as it sounds...Have students mingle around the room. Once they're moving, yell out, "Tag __________" and insert an article of clothing, a color, both, or a wall. The first student to get to a matching object called out by the leader wins!You can make it a little more challenging by using some of the...