Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

This is a fun game that allows everyone to be a part of the action. Here’s how you do it.Clear the room, a little - just enough where your students can run around some. Then make a big pile of aluminum balls in the middle of the floor. (Make sure to ball them up prior to the game, about...
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This game is high energy, but you need a big group of kids to play it. Here’s how you do it.Quickly group all of the students into “teams” of at least 4 kids each. Then using a pirate ship captain’s dialect, explain to them that they are all on YOUR pirate ship. You will call out a certain command,...
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Preparation: You will need to set up two circles of chairs before you play.If you're looking for a fun and fast-paced way for your students to get to know one another, this mixer is for you. This is a spin-off of speed dating. First create a list of 15 to 20 questions that are open ended questions, like, “Tell...
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This game works great as an upfront attention getter.Place a large aquarium in the center of the stage and fill it with water and about 100 LIVE gold fish. Get 2-4 students (depending on the size of the aquarium) and hand them hats that have the small dipping nets attached to them. Tell them to put the hats on.When...
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Advertise a “bear hunt” for your next group time. Get everyone excited. Here’s how you play it.Bring 4 girls up front and tell them they are going bear hunting. Bring out 4 bowls that are filled with lots of whipped cream and a few gummi bears throughout.When the leader says GO, the 4 girls must find the gummi bears...
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This fun activity works well as a mixer. All you need is a ball of yarn about the size of a softball. Here’s how you play:Have your students sit in a circle. (Use chairs if available.) Hand the ball of yarn to one student in the circle and ask him to answer the following questions (or make some up...
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You can play this game with any number of people, but if you have a large group, break them up into several groups spread out around the room.Ideally, each group will have 10 students in them, 5 on each “team.” Have one team form a TIGHT circle facing outwards. Then have the second team form a circle around the...
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