Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Ask for three volunteers. Tell them only after they've come forward that they all need to breakdance for 30 seconds, whether they can or not. Interesting to see the things people come up with!Added by Katie RaySee Dance or Dare (Click Here).
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Split your group into several teams. Give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup, or for a less messy option, a box of Alphabits cereal. Each team must sift through the goo to spell words or make numbers.You can give points a number of ways:- words of three letters- words of four letters- words with...
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This is set up like any relay with multiple teams, each team with 5 clothespins. Have the first person in line attach the clothespins to their shirt, clothes, or body part, run around a certain designated point and return to have the clothespins removed by the next person in line . . . with their teeth!Also, see Clothespin Mixer...
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MAIN POINT: Discussion starter. Once matched, you can ask a pre-typed question for the partners to discuss.You will need some leaders to measure students when they come in. Everyone who walks into youth group gets a length of string (but make sure it isn't their own). Each string is the same length as one other person in the room....
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Give everyone a balloon and a piece of string or yarn. Have them blow up the balloon and tie it to their ankle. Then announce that they are to try to stomp out other people's balloons while keeping their own safe. Last person with a blown up balloon wins.Note: Be sure to have some guideline regarding the length of...
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Go to your local art or party supply store and buy several of the biggest balloons they carry. (16" are cool, 3' are better). Divide the crowd in two. Have numerous staff throw the balloons in the crowd and have the crowd try to hit the balloons to the other side of the crowd.A fun twist to the game...
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