Browsing Category:Games & Icebreakers

Arrange chairs in a circle. All of the Cinderellas (girls) in the group select a chair. The Prince Charmings (boys) each pick a girl and kneel in front of her. He removes her shoes and holds them in his hand. Then the girls blindfold the guys. The leader calls for the shoes and they are thrown into the middle...
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For this game you need to make your own money on your computer (be sure it's clearly phony or it might be a federal offense). Give each person 10 of the bills. They are to try to win as many as possible from their peers by challenging them. Set a time limit, or say the first person to have...
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Borrow or purchase a clay pigeon thrower. Ours was not the kind you hold in your hand; it was the kind that mounts on a base and fires the clay pigeon with a giant spring and a catapult arm.Without telling them why I told all participants of the overnighter to bring one wrapped Little Debbie or Hostess product. Later...
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You can either run this game as an UPFRONT GAME, entertaining the audience, or divide your whole group into even teams and have each team select a volunteer - preferably a small, light one. Give each team a roll of duct tape. The object is to tape a team member up on to the wall, using no more than...
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This is a great game to do through the middle of the crowd while the crowd watches. Bring several students up front and give them a party blower and a ping pong ball each. Have them get down on all fours and race their ping pong ball to a given destination and back. The only way they can move...
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Split your group into several teams. Give each team a platter and a few cans of alphabet soup, or for a less messy option, a box of Alphabits cereal. Each team must sift through the goo to spell words or make numbers.You can give points a number of ways:- words of three letters- words of four letters- words with...
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