The idea of this game is to have multiple teams playing charades at the same time with the same clues, in a race to see who can finish first. That means you will have to have teams with the same number of players on them.Before you begin, come up with a list of action clues that the teams must...
This is a great game for the entire audience. Even though it’s a competition between the boys and girls in your group, you don’t have to divide up your audience.The leader’s task is to just stand up front on the stage and ask questions, one at a time. Each of the questions has to do with numbers. If a...
You know what’s not fair at all? The fact that Tarzan doesn’t get anywhere near the hype and glamour that other heroes get. Could the Hulk swing from tree to tree on a vine? Could Superman control whole animal populations with his mind? Would Batman look good in nothing but a leather loin cloth? No, no, and no! So,...
This game is for those of you who lead youth ministry in Florida, Mexico, and any other place that never snows! It’s an UPFRONT GAME that requires nothing more than 3 cans of marshmallow cream and some raisins. Here’s what you do.Invite six volunteers from the crowd to join you on the stage. Pair them up into three different...
This one is simple to play as it’s really just an indoor modification of volleyball. Here it is:Take a regular volleyball net and set it up in a big room at your church. You can even use your sanctuary if you get permission from the proper authorities. Now grab a couple of inflatable beach balls (NOT volleyballs) and inflate...
All you need for this game is a timer of some sort, your smartphone should work just fine. Here is what you need to do.Ask for three volunteers and have them come up on stage. Get them to face the crowd and then explain the rules to them. You will call out a category of some kind and then...
This game is played just like Duck Duck Goose, but slightly messier. Here’s what you do.Get everyone in a circle and have one person walking around the outside of the circle. Instead of tapping someone on the head and saying “duck,” he walks around the outside of the circle POURING some sort of liquid on the person’s head and...