MAIN POINT: Listening through the "loud" messages all around you.Group is divided into two equal teams. Each team sits in a single row facing the opponent team across a room. Each team picks out a piece of paper with a message on it. The messages should be common phrases or Bible verses relevant to your topic with about 5-10...
MAIN POINT: This can also be used as an illustration for a talk about faith and deeds. Without Christ as the foundation of a life, we can have all the right ingredients in our lives (church, Bible study, Christian friends, etc.), but they won't matter. If we don't have the right foundation, all that great stuff is useless.This game...
MAIN POINT: online pharmacy bactroban with best prices today in the USA Either peer pressure or leadership and influence.Everyone gets in a big circle. Pick a volunteer to leave the room after you explain the game. Once that volunteer is out of hearing range, pick another volunteer who wants to be the leader. Everyone must slyly watch this...
MAIN POINT: Just like we need to listen to God's voice instead of all the voices that the world throws at us.Materials needed:blindfoldswater balloons for outsidestyrofoam cups for inside.Set up a "minefield" by randomly placing the water balloons (or cups) in a marked section of ground. A concrete slab or basketball court works well for this. Grass also works,...
MAIN POINT: Getting to know youGood small group game. The object is to get individuals to share unknown things about themselves in a safe environment. Each player writes down a little-known truth about himself. The paper slips are handed in and read aloud one at a time. The slips are then read a second time, and players write who...
MAIN POINT: Getting to know you.The object of this small group game is to reveal unknown things about yourself to the group in a fun atmosphere.A person states three things about himself. Two must be true and one a lie. For example: "I was born in South Africa. I have a green card. I have a dog named Bubba."The...
MAIN POINT: Helps students retain the information they just learned.Have everyone sit in a big circle with one person sitting on a chair in the middle-the "hot seat." That person takes on the role of someone you've talked about in your small group discussion. If there has been some kind of talk or drama or story, then they can...