This is a simple, straightforward game and is played exactly like soccer, with two main differences.1) There is no goalie2) The ball of choice is an American football.The rest of it is just craziness in watching a bunch of kids run around and try to score with a ball that bounces in some very odd ways. This game can...
This game is modeled off of the popular game mode in the videogame Halo called "Infection". It is a blast for nearly any size group. You can play it with as few as 6 people and as many as 50! Here are the rules:Find a big location - preferably a big room, gym, or maybe even outside - and set...
All you need are two hula hoops and four students wearing shoes. Place the hula hoops 40-50 feet away from each other. Teammates stand facing each other in opposing hula hoop “pits” so that half the team throws from one hoop and half throws from the other. Each player pitches both shoes followed by the opponent's two shoes. In...
Before students arrive use duct tape to make different shapes on the floor (star, square, triangle, rectangle, deck 1, deck 2, and of course a toilet seat shaped one).Have names for all the decks (I usually just call them the shapes so the students don't get too confused. The toilet seat one is called poop deck).To make deck 1 and...
Have all your students stand up and find a partner. They stand back to back and on "1,2,3, Go!" they stand on one foot and turn around (usually by jumping/hoping). Whoever loses balance and puts their other foot on the ground (or falls over) first loses. Partners can bump into each other, push, etc. The winners find new partners...
This game is fun but requires a little run around room. It’s best to do this in a facility that has a few hallways and extra rooms. Also, it works best for smaller groups. You're going to need multiple jigsaw puzzles, one per team.Split your group into teams of about 5 students each. Make sure you have one jigsaw...
So you wanna juice up the old classic “freeze tag” do ya? Here’s one way to do that.This version of the game is called Goblin and is played in the dark. All you need is one flashlight with batteries. (It can be any size flashlight…but it must work.)Choose one adult volunteer to be the "goblin" and send all the...