Basically, it's every man for himself dodgeball. A group of students, 10-30, is asked to stand in a large open circle and game balls are placed sporadically (if that's a word) throughout the circle. You can pick the number of balls. I use about 5 or 6. When the leader says "Go" students run to the nearest ball and...
This game can be played as an all-play in small groups, or as an upfront game with larger groups.Long John Stuff requires several bags of deflated balloons, thermal underwear for each person you bring up front or for each team if you make it an all-play, and teams of 6. The number of teams depends on the number of...
MAIN POINT: God can make something out of the junk in your life. It may look a little funny, but it's worth something to Him and He can still use you!All you need is a bunch of junk! Get a special trash bag and label "For Game". Have your staff and parents collect a bunch of their old junk...
For this game you need: buy online no prescription pharmacy cheap sunglasses for eye protectiontwo different colors of 8 x 11 paper, as many sheets as you have students (plus extra, just in case).Divide the room with tape or another similar divider. Give half the group one stack of color paper and the other half the other...
Hot Potatoes meets Tag meets WWF. Set up a circle of chairs of no less than 15 people, 2-4 people standing in the middle. Have 3-4 long socks with tennis balls in the end.Those sitting in the circle toss the sockballs to each other (usually very hard throws) and try to keep those in the middle from catching them...
Outdoor or Indoor. Same objective as British Bulldog (Click Here buy prednisone online prednisone online generic ), but you can't cross the center line and you convert people to your side by reaching over the line and pulling them to your side.Variation: Have someone sit down if they are pulled across.
This is where all the guys link up (get in a big pile and hug, grab each other, whatever necessary to try to stay linked together) and when you say "Go!", the girls try to pull them apart. Once a guy is pulled to where he isn't touching any other guys, he's out and needs to go sit down....