Find two local pizza places that deliver. During the beginning of the evening, divide the crowd in two and bring up a representative from each side. Hand each representative a cell phone and phone # of two competing pizza places. Have them each order a large pizza, tell the delivery person the situation, and that there's a $20 tip...
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Divide into two teams, each trying to get to the opposite end zone. One team kicks off (throws actually) and the other team receives.When a player catches the Frisbee they can take only 3 steps then they must throw it. Teams work their way down the field, passing to each other until a team scores. If the team hits the...
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Games & Icebreakers


Kind of like Freeze Tag, this game is great for lock-ins or all-nighters because it must be pitch dark and played in a facility with a lot of rooms. You should have more than 10 or 12 people to play (the more the better). You need a standard flashlight with 4 parts to it: 2 batteries, the handle, and...
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Have the entire group make a circle. Pick four to five people for each team. The first team goes into the center of the circle and forms a line by attaching their hands to the waist of the person in front of them. The people who make up the circle throw the ball at the "dragon", trying to hit...
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This game is played just like it sounds. Set up any dodgeball game that your kids like. However, make them throw with their opposite arm. It helps keep your jocks from dominating the game and also encourages the kids who are afraid of getting hit.I normally play and act really dumb trying to throw with my wrong arm. Kids...
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