Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, July 19, 2005 In This Issue Featured Article: Post Modernna? Our Culture's Take on Religion ... from the...
Put enough chairs in a circle facing outward so that each person has one. On several chairs place a wet sponge or shaving cream. Play music! When the music stops, the students sit.We have the students sitting on a sponge eliminated and more students waiting to play come in.Added by TheresaSee Musical Squirt Guns (Click Here).
Be sure to encourage attendees to show up with some sort of duct tape accessory or outfit. Award prizes for most creative and most functional.Set up ÒstationsÓ where students compete in the following:3-Legged Friends: Loosely duct tape your leg to a friend's leg and walk around for 10 minutes, earning points for walking backward, hopping, or dancing.Crowning achievement: Place... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, July 5, 2005 In This Issue Something You Can Use: Underwater Handstand Tag, King of the Tube ......
Play as a group in waist-deep water. One player is "it." They chase after the other players, attempting to tag them. Whoever is tagged becomes "it."The players avoid being tagged either by evading the player whoever’s "it" or by doing an underwater handstand. As long as a player is doing a handstand they can't be tagged "it." Have at...
This game requires a bunch of dodgeballs, but it's really fun.First, split your large group into small groups (if you have around 50, split them into 5 groups of 10).Next, make one big circle or square with all the people, and send one of the groups in the middle. The surrounding groups sit down while the group in the...
MAIN POINT: This game can be a discussion starter if talking about friendship or the Ecclesiastes principle of, “Two is better than one. If they fall down . . .”This is a great game for use in a home or similar setting. You just need a group of three students to play. This game works best in the dark...