Items Needed: Cheerios (or generic substitute), soft butter or margarine, face cleanser, hand towels, card tableDirections:Choose one volunteer from each grade.Spread Cheerios all over a table.One volunteer covers their own face with butter and has ten seconds to stick Cheerios to face, without hands. Repeat with the other three volunteers. Have another leader start counting the Cheerios stuck to...
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Upfront or Small Group.Supplies: Two cups of Goldfish crackers and two big scoops of creamy peanut butter.Ask for two volunteers who are not allergic to peanuts.Split up teams around them (Use 3 people for each volunteer if the game is up front, and use everyone if it's being played in a small group). Set the timer and have the...
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This theme includes games using spam, prizes using spam, and songs involving spam.GamesBobbing For SpamSmall groups - all can play. Large group - upfront game.Fill up a large bucket with water, drop in a few large chunks of Spam. The rest is like "Bobbing for Apples" (just not with apples). Spam CarvingAnnounce, "I need two artistic volunteers!"...
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Ezine Archives

eZine 01.31.2006 Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, January 31, 2006 In This Issue Something You Can Use: A Ready Made Super Bowl Party ...
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Rated PG for mild thematic elements, some rude humor and brief languageDirected by Kirk Jones (Waking Ned Devine)Starring Colin Firth, Emma ThompsonJonathan’s Score: Theatre WorthyMary Poppins would be proud.Nanny McPhee isn’t the same ol’ thing. Emma Thompson stars as a governess who uses magic to help her bring out the best in seven mischievous children who have chased...
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