This skit can be used as a great opener for the topic of “Why God allows bad things to happen” or for the topic of “Prayer.”Plot Summary: Tim feels God has failed him in his life and blames the Lord, but at the end he realizes that the Lord does indeed have a plan for his life.Main Point: We...
Plot Summary: Two students begin to lie to each other, trying to out do one another by exaggerating their stories to the point of ridiculous, until the truth is revealed by a third.Main Point: Truth is very important and objective. This skit is great for use in kicking off a talk or lesson on what truth is, and how... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, August 29, 2006 In This Issue Featured Article: Who Ordered the Poo Poo Platter? Jonathan's Two...
Items Needed:4 buckets (two filled with water, two empty)4 plastic cups, each with 3 holes punched in the side.How to Play:Form 2 teams of equal numbers. Have a starting line (where the filled buckets are) and a finish line (where the empty buckets are). Team members, taking turns, race to fill their empty bucket by filling their cup and...
Main Point: We must always remember that we are in a spiritual battle, and that no matter where or who we are, we are still soldiers for Christ, fighting a non-stop battle.Attention Grabber: Movie – JarheadThis movie is a very difficult movie to watch… it might be better advertised as research, than entertainment. Basically, it’s a movie about... Jonathan's Resource Ezine Weekly Resources, Ideas and Articles from The Source for Youth Ministry Tuesday, August 22, 2006 In This Issue Something You Can Use: "Elf" video clip discussion idea, complete with...
Movie Clip: Elf, PG, 2004, New Line CinemaMain Point: Christ’s second coming is something to be anticipated and enthusiastic about.NOTE: This is a great Christmas clip, simply because the movie is a Christmas movie. You could use this discussion during Christmas and parallel Santa's coming with Jesus' coming. But the topic of this dicussion is about looking...