Stupid Skits

School Pictures and New Shoes


Plot Summary: Two students begin to lie to each other, trying to out do one another by exaggerating their stories to the point of ridiculous, until the truth is revealed by a third.

Main Point: Truth is very important and objective. This skit is great for use in kicking off a talk or lesson on what truth is, and how Christianity is based on truth and historical fact.

Characters: 3

Skit: School Pictures and New Shoes
(LAUREN and CAMERON enter from different sides of the stage and stop to talk to each other)

LAUREN: Hi Cameron.

CAMERON: Whats up Lauren? Hey, did you get your school pictures back? Mine were horrible.

LAUREN: Yeah, mine turned out great. I think they’re the best pictures I’ve ever had of me. Anything new with you?

CAMERON: Your best pictures ever? Wow. Well, um, I got some new basketball shoes yesterday. They’re pretty awesome.

LAUREN: That’s cool. Where’d you get them?

CAMERON: My mom ordered them on the internet. They’re the most amazing shoes ever made.

LAUREN: Wow. Well, my school pictures were voted by the whole school to be the best pictures ever.

CAMERON: (scratches head) Gosh, I didn’t get to vote. Huh. Well, my shoes were like six hundred dollars.

LAUREN: (shocked) Six hundred dollars?! Wow! Well, my pictures were sent to Sixteen magazine, and I might be on the cover next month. I’m really excited.

CAMERON: That’s great, Lauren. Almost as great as my new basketball shoes. I mean, the shocks in these shoes guarantee me to jump at least seven feet in the air.

LAUREN: Gosh, that’s pretty amazing. But check this out: Jennifer Aniston was at the Sixteen magazine headquarters yesterday and she saw my picture on their wall. Yeah, she invited me over and I got to hang out with her. Vince was pretty annoyed that he missed it.

CAMERON: (eyes wide) Vince Vaughn?

LAUREN: (nodding head) Uh-huh, Vince Vaughn. Yeah, I flew down there in a private jet. I think Vince has a crush on me, and he’s so jealous that I only hang out with Jennifer. It was cool.

CAMERON: That is pretty cool, Lauren. Well, my sneakers have built-in laser pointers in them. And, um, my friends and I went to the park yesterday and started shining them in people’s eyes and stuff. It was a lot of fun. Everyone in the park started running around screaming. Yeah, it was pretty cool.

LAUREN: Gosh, Cameron, your shoes sound pretty neat.

CAMERON: Yeah, they’re pretty awesome. I was on the phone with Michael Jordan last night, and he wants to buy them off me for like five million dollars. But I told him I can’t since I’ll be playing on the Dream Team next summer. I mean, I’m pretty sure I’ll make a lot more than five million when I’m on the Dream Team.

LAUREN: Yeah, you’re probably right. That’s neat you got to talk to Michael Jordan. This morning Mary Kate and Ashley called me up to be in their new mini-series with them.

CAMERON: Really? WhatÕs it called?

LAUREN: Called? Oh, um, it’s called uh… Turn Off… um the Lightswitch. Yeah, that’s it, it’s called Turn Off the Lightswitch.

CAMERON: That’s cool. Good luck with that, Lauren. Maybe I’ll see you on TV next season.

LAUREN: Maybe even sooner than that, with the new polls from Russia…

CAMERON: Russia?

LAUREN: Yeah, Russia is holding a national poll on whether or not I’m the most beautiful woman ever. Who knows how they’ll vote?


(enter ALI, with a big grin.)

ALI: Hey guys.


ALI: Hey, I just overheard your conversation, and I must say, I’m pretty amazed. (turns to LAUREN) Lauren, congratulations with your school pictures.

LAUREN: (smiles) Thanks.

ALI: (sarcastically) I mean, gosh, it’s amazing you could get so far with a picture of your dog. (LAUREN drops her head)

CAMERON: (points finger at LAUREN) Busted!

ALI: (turns to CAMERON) And Cameron, your mom told me about your new shoes. That’s great you can find such amazing shoes at a yard sale. Congrats, buddy.

LAUREN: (points finger back at CAMERON) Busted!

ALI: (smiles and waves) Well, just thought I’d clear the air for you two. See ya! (exits)

LAUREN: Well, I guess I’ll see you around, Cameron. Good luck with the Dream Team. (turns and exits)

CAMERON: (begins to exit, walking backward, in order to shoot back) Yeah, say hi to Mary Kate and Ashley for me! (turns and exits.)


Jonathan McKee

Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new The Guy's Guide to FOUR BATTLES Every Young Man Must Face; The Teen’s Guide to Social Media & Mobile Devices; If I Had a Parenting Do Over; and the Amazon Best Seller - The Guy's Guide to God, Girls and the Phone in Your Pocket. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide, all while providing free resources for youth workers on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and their three kids live in California.


  1. Bibinalisa
    October 30, 2011 at 12:00 am

    It is super funny. I love this skit

  2. Ronda Smith
    August 30, 2012 at 12:00 am

    i think this skit will be awesome at back to school klub

  3. Jo-Ann
    September 11, 2012 at 12:00 am

    Awesome stuff!I love this !

  4. Ronda Smith
    August 30, 2012 at 12:00 am
  5. Jo-Ann
    September 11, 2012 at 12:00 am
  6. hi hi
    January 24, 2018 at 12:00 am


  7. savage
    January 24, 2018 at 12:00 am

    this is so good i like how they were both lying to each other and then ali came over and stopped it

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