Browsing Category:Movie Clip Discussions

Main Point of Discussion: Even though it is sometimes convenient to deny Jesus, there is always a price to pay when we do so.The Movie Clip: Denial of friendshipThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas was not a blockbuster of 2008, but it was definitely a great movie. It takes place during WWII and follows the life of Bruno, the...
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Movie Clip Discussions


(Disney Productions, 2008)Main Point: God doesn’t need “superheroes” to help Him rescue the world; He can use “regular” people like you and me. The Movie Clip: Animal Rescue buy amaryl online amaryl no prescription Bolt tells the story of a dog who plays a heroic canine in a hit TV show who has some trouble recognizing that he...
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20th Century Fox, 2004Main Point of Discussion: We must show compassion to everyone, even to those who mistreat us.The Movie Clip: “They are human beings.”To End All Wars is a true story about four Allied POW's who endure harsh treatment from their Japanese captors during World War II while being forced to build a railroad through the Burmese jungle....
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Batman Has No Limits(Warner Brothers, 2008) Main Point of Discussion: We may be successful, popular, or the best at everything we do. But we have to make sure we don’t become prideful, because there are some things that only God can do. The Movie Clip: Batman Has No LimitsThe Dark Knight is another film in the series of Batman...
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2005 Twentieth Century – Fox MAIN POINT: Though people have tried many ways to erase their sin, only Jesus can. THE MOVIE CLIP: Can My Sin Be Forgiven?Kingdom of Heaven is set during the time of The Crusades. The movie centers on Bailian, played by Orlando Bloom, whose wife committed suicide after the death of their newborn son....
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20th Century Fox HomeMain Point of Discussion: The invisible God of the Bible has left visible clues pointing to His existence and desire to have a relationship with us.The Movie Clip: Mr. Moore and Jake discuss ‘forces at work’ that are beyond our understanding.The Happening is a 2008 apocalyptic thriller starring Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel. It essentially revolves...
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Main Point of Discussion: When we face death, it forces us to make a decision about faith in JesusThe Movie Clip: “I just have faith.”The Bucket List is the story of two very different men who are facing the same inevitable death, brought on by cancer. They both realize that their lives are incomplete, so they write out a...
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