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By Thom McKee

Have you ever discovered that an authority figure in your life doesn’t practice what they preach? Essentially they are saying to you, “do what I say, not what I do.”  Maybe it is a teacher or a pastor.  Or maybe even a close family member.  Any way you look at it, it becomes really hard to respect that type of leader.

This week on The Walking Dead, we find out that Alpha is that type of leader

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By Thom McKee

Have you ever felt like your life just no longer has purpose or meaning?

Maybe you have a job that you hate. Or maybe you are having a difficult time in a friendship, relationship or marriage. Perhaps you just have a hard time finding a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 

This week on The Walking Dead, it seems like many of the characters are struggling with finding purpose in life (I might even argue that the writers of The Walking Dead might be struggling with finding purpose for the show). Despite the awesome training sequence at the beginning of the show, most of the season ten pilot was about

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By Thom McKee

Have you ever been in a situation where you felt like you lost all hope? Or worse, have you ever felt like life would be easier for everyone else if you just weren’t around anymore? These are the situations in life where we need wise people around us to give us perspective. Hopefully, when we feel this way we are surrounded by the right people, because let’s face it, we all need hope. And sometimes hope just seems so far away.

Tonight, Lydia is feeling extremely hopeless. She feels responsible for the deaths of so many of her new friends, including Henry, the first person who has really shown her love in a long time (if ever). She is also feeling guilty for

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By Thom McKee

Have you ever been confronted about something, by someone who is guilty of the same thing? My guess is that most of you have had this happen to you. Often the person who accuses you of something, may actually struggle with that very same thing, and they don’t even realize it.  Or even worse, they may know that they struggle with the same thing, they just don’t know that others realize it.  In psychology that is called “projection” and I have seen my share of it in life.  It is also extremely frustrating, especially if there is some truth to what they are saying

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By Thom McKee

Have you ever been betrayed in a way that makes it difficult for you to trust anyone?  And if you have been in a place where you don’t trust, has it been hard to take risks with other people?

If you answered yes to these questions, you aren’t alone. Nothing erodes trust like betrayal. And, when you have a hard time trusting people, it is very hard to have healthy relationships with people. It is also hard to take chances, because you always fear that betrayal will happen again

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By Thom McKee

Is violence the only way to solve problems?  If you are a parent, you have inevitably had to deal with this. But let’s face it, if you are a human being you have had to deal with this too.

Recently my 13-year-old son asked me about how to deal with a situation with a bully. Now, I must say that most of his friends’ parents have given him different advice than I did. Most of his friends have been told to just hit the bully as hard as you can and they will leave you alone. I will even admit that sometimes that advice works. But that is not the advice that I gave my son. What I told him to do was to

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By Thom McKee

Have you ever had a friend say something to your face, that you found out later was a blatant lie. I am not talking about omissions (which are also lies). I am talking about when person intentionally tries to deceive you. What does that do to the relationship?

In my experience, nothing kills relationships faster than lies. I believe that this is because relationships are built on trust… and nothing kills trust more than deception.

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