Browsing Category:Movie Clip Discussions


By Thom McKee

As you look around the place where you live are there reminders of who you are?  Or maybe just as important, are there reminders of who you used to be?

If you were to walk through my house, there would be all kinds of reminders of who I am right now.

Thom McKee – Pastor.

Thom McKee – father.

Thom McKee – husband.

But if you look carefully you might see some reminders of things that I used to be, but are not at all anymore

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This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan Crittenden.

Eight years ago when I was in the Army I learned a valuable leadership lesson while serving in Afghanistan.

I went to the gym one evening because all the other guys were working out, so naturally I felt I had too as well. But, I had no clue what I was doing.

I went to my team leader and asked if I could

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This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan Crittenden.

Redemption is awesome… when you’re the one being redeemed.

This episode reminded me why I like Rick Grimes. He is back to killing walkers like a pro, plus, it’s hard to not like

his classic one liner, “If I ever see your face again, stiches wont fix what I will do to you.”

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This week’s The Gospel According to the Walking Dead is written by youth worker and huge The Walking Dead fan, Ryan Crittenden.

Season 9 of The Walking Dead premiere felt more like The Walking Dead then we have seen for a while… and it gave us a true glimpse at the power of fear.

It has been a year and half in The Walking Dead world since the final battle with the Saviors, which is a great thing! Let’s be honest–Season 7 was boring and felt really forced. Season 8 was marginally better, but

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(Universal Pictures, 1994)Main Point: online pharmacy purchase topamax online generic Even though it’s not our first reaction, the Bible commands us to show kindness to our enemies. Obeying Him will change their lives…and ours.The Movie Clip: Cotton Candy for BulliesThe War is set in Mississippi in the era following the highly controversial Vietnam War. Lois Simmons (Mare Winningham)...
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by Thom McKee

Did you ever think that mercy would win at the end of season 8 of The Walking Dead? I know that I didn’t.

It is no secret that I have been very critical of this season. I have pointed out over and over how disjointed and counter-logical the show has been all season. And tonight’s episode wasn’t without its problems. Maggie’s anger makes sense to me, and her breakdown after Rick’s act of mercy was heart wrenching. But, I guess that we are now supposed to believe that Jesus, the same man who

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by Thom McKee

Has anyone ever stabbed you in the back… metaphorically, of course?

It doesn’t feel good when someone you trust betrays you. And most of us try very hard to surround ourselves with people who won’t turn on us like Simon and Dwight turned on Negan. But it doesn’t always work out that way. Sometimes in life, people are able to betray us because we simply never actually know what is going on in the their minds.

However, Negan has put himself in a position where he

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