You will need 1 box of cereal, 1/2 gallon of milk, a bowl large enough to fit an entire box of cereal and 5 spoons for each team. Put 5 students on one team and 5 different students on another team.Have all ten students come up, grab a spoon, and circle their bowl. Pour the _ gallon of milk...
Choose your teams and make sure they are visible to the audience. [This is a great time to hook up a live video feed to play on video projector(s).] The point of the game is for a student to bite a tortilla into the word assigned to them so their team gets the most points.Have cards made up beforehand...
This is a great upfront game. Supplies needed: gummy fish, 3 REAL LIVE goldfish, 10 glasses half full of water (3 containing real goldfish, 2 with just water and 5 containing gummy fish and water—these 5 are kept hidden from the chosen victims… students.Bring three students up front and show them the 5 glasses with water (3 with real...
This game works best if played as an up-front game.Have several teams of two students each line up in front of a table facing the crowd. Make sure your audience can see them! You will need plenty of Oreos and as many glasses of milk as you have teams. Each team of two has one person seated at the...
Depending on the size of your group this can be an all play or an upfront game. (If you have a big group, make it a short up front game...if your group is on the smaller side, the dynamics of this game lend themselves to be an all play.)Pick a letter of the alphabet and a topic, i.e. animals,...
This up-front game pits students against adult leaders to see who has the best impersonation skills. You can choose the students as they walk in and register at your event. For the students who are up for the challenge, have a picture and short bio of the character or celebrity they will be acting out. You need to coordinate...
This is a great game to film for a later advertisement for your Youth Ministry. Let’s face it; every person on Earth likes to hit people with those Nerf-like pool noodles. This game allows your students to take their pent-up Algebra frustrations out on each other in a very funny way.Supplies Needed:You will need cheap goggles, 4-6 noodles, 8-10...