This game is a near clone of the T.V. show "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" with a few changes...All contestants know 1 or 2 weeks in advance what portion of the Bible the questions will come from. (We generally give 2 weeks' notice and often cover an entire book, such as one of the Gospels.)The Grand Prize is...
The Wheel O’ Doom is a wheel you can make out of a couple of 2x4s on a stand with a round piece of wood spinning on a loose bolt at the top of the 2x4's. Basically a home-made wheel of fortune with enough room on the circle to put about 8 “pie pieces” with different descriptions of activities...
For this game, you need two identical bowls with spoons - one filled with salt, the other with sugar, and three students. Send students A and B (both forewarned) and C (unsuspecting) out of the room.Inform A (who already knows this) that he or she is to try to convince C to buy this bowl of sugar. Then let...
Pick six girls and put them in pairs. Then have each pair pick a boy. Ahead of time, buy cheap makeup, hair clips, clip-on earrings, necklaces, etc. (from Wal-Mart or dollar store). Put it all out on a tray or table. Give the girls two minutes to make up the guy, then have the group vote on the best...
You can play this as an Up-front game or, if you have a small group, divide into teams. Have as many teams of 4 as you want.Designate one person "the Christmas tree," and the others "decorators". Each decorator has a bag full of ornaments, lights, etc. (any tree decorations will do).Give each team 5 minutes to decorate their "tree"....
Sit two or three guys in chairs blindfolded. Give them a paper sack with heavy men's gloves and a pair of stockings in each. They race to be the first to put on the gloves and then the stockings. Becomes hysterical when they can't even feel if they have the stockings in their hand or not. You can use...
Like Long John Stuff, except with a T-shirt. Bring up 2 or 3 guys wearing t-shirts and have them each choose 2 or 3 friends to help them. Hand each group 10-20 balloons and instruct them to blow them up and stuff them in their designated team member's t-shirt.As each group stuffs balloons in their team member's shirt, he...