Get four volunteers or pick four people and have a sponsor take them back to a secluded room. Have that sponsor tell them that they will go up in front of the crowd, one at a time. Each one will sit in a chair. The object is for them to act out a given scenario WITHOUT leaving the chair:...
Bring three people up front to sit in chairs at a table. Put three pie pans that are full of whip cream in front of them. At the bottom of each pie plate is a piece of bubble gum. The race is to see who can eat all the whip cream, find the gum and be the first person...
Bring three guys to the front to see who can eat the most bananas in five minutes while blindfolded. As soon as one banana is peeled and eaten, the contestant will be handed another. Blindfold all three.Instruct the crowd to cheer for their favorites, and then have associates silently remove two of the blindfolds and let the guys rejoin...
Fun game where you and another staff person or student leader pretend that one of you has the ability to read minds.Important: Pre-arrange with "It" (your assistant) a person that they will pick first. As everybody arrives, tell them that "It" is a mind reader. Send "It" out of the room and point to the person that you have...
Get some surgical (rubber) gloves - the kind that blow up. Have several contestants come up and pull the gloves over their own heads, all the way down to just above their mouth. Have them blow with their noses, inflating the gloves on their head. After 90 seconds see who's glove is blown the biggest, without breaking.
Bring 2 or 3 pairs of students up front. Pair them up (player A and player B) and give each pair a four-foot long piece of string and two marshmallows. At a signal, the pairs tie one marshmallow on each end of the string. Player A in each pair holds one marshmallow in his/her mouth while standing and facing...
Have two people come up and face each other about 2-3 feet apart. Their feet should be even (side by side, not in front of one another) and their hands are raised, touching each other's palms (like they are playing "Patty-cake"). The object is to make the other person fall, forward or backward by pushing or releasing pressure to...